
Are we going to have the same summer as last year?

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Are we going to have the same summer as last year?




  1. Oh God I hope not - I'm in Galway, Ireland and it was the worst summer ever!!!

  2. Ask the mystic Farseer of the magical forest.

  3. i hope so!

    im going to leeds festival this summer

    and i hope its not raining!

  4. I am from Ireland and it done nothing but rained the whole summer last year so i hope it will be better this year.

  5. no because last summer was last summer, its not going to happen again

  6. it may well be a similar summer but we can never have last summer ever again

  7. No

  8. not quite, It won't rain on June 24th, but apart from that it will be the same, just another typical British summer

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