
Are we going to ignore the warnings about an upcoming Ice Age?

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Snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966.

The U.S. National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) reported that many American cities and towns suffered record cold temperatures in January and early February. According to the NCDC, the average temperature in January "was -0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average."

China is surviving its most brutal winter in a century. Temperatures in the normally balmy south were so low for so long that some middle-sized cities went days and even weeks without electricity because once power lines had toppled it was too cold or too icy to repair them.

There have been so many snow and ice storms in Ontario and Quebec in the past two months that the real estate market has felt the pinch as home buyers have stayed home rather than venturing out looking for new houses.




  1. do you realize that some months are just colder then others?

    PS i like the way that the National Post is more reputable then thousands of scientists that have devoted there life to research.

  2. so you think you can stop an ice age ? we are still trying to stop globel warming

  3. Given that most people seem to have ignored all the decades of peer reviewed evidence about climate change,

    then they will surely ignore a small number of selected local weather events (which may be further evidence of perturbed chaotic weather systems) as heralding an upcoming ice age; .

    the only ones who will pay any attention are those who do not want to give up their polluting lifestyles and "think" they can use this as justification for their habit. (addicts do not think rationally)

    And for the record western Europe is having a very warm and early spring, and I think we are all on the same planet, thank you  (although when climate change turns off the ocean conveyer it will get very much colder here)

  4. i think many are ignoring the fact the world are in chaos now.they still keep using more stuff like electric,food,meat,paper than they need.i been walking and many don't even bother to throw paper or plastic in the recycling bin even if they are near it.people should know they could slow down the process of wasting by using just about enough than they need instead of throw the things u never use.

  5. Both are Bull ****, nothing is changing. Is it Global Warming or Global Cooling???You guys have to get your money cow straight

  6. Look at it this way...

    Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. Nobody can stop it.

  7. we are not entering into an ice age. we just had a hard winter. remember, the past few years we didn't really have winters, we had extended falls. even if we are heading into another ice age, it takes more than a year or 2 to freeze the entire planet.

    can we stop an ice age from occurring? h**l no. we are humans! an ice age happens NATURALLY.

    stop whining about the cold weather and see what next year brings.

    ps. if we do enter another ice age in our lifetimes it will simply be natures way of purifying the planet & exstinguishing the creatures that have been killing her for so-o-o long.


  8. You bet your a$$ we are. we have other issues to worry about such as wat im going to eat for lunch then some ice age. besides we are a smart nation we can melt ice now a days were not cave men

  9. If we have a late spring, and another bad winter next year, then this will be more believeable.   I dont believe the global warming propaganda either, but a delay in the start of the next sun spot cycle explains this winters below average temperatures.

    There was very little sunspot activity during the "little ice age", which if it repeats again, we could see some inclement weather.  One theory suggested the winds are driven more north and south when there are more sunspots.  The UV and XRAY output from the sun increases by 100% from minimum to maximum, surely this has some effect on the atmosphere.

  10. Sure.  A little cold weather in winter doesn't mean we're still not warming, long term.  The data shows clearly that we are:

    What do you think?  Are scientists ignorant, stupid, or enfgaged in a giant conspiracy?  They see the weather reports and the data.  And they say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    By the way, the article cited IS stupid.  The ice AREA has returned to near normal, but not the VOLUME, which is the important thing.  Next summer it will melt faster than ever, since there's not much to melt.

    Susan - just because somebody says something dumb is no reason to smear people who didn't.  Would you like to be judged by deniers who say it's volcanoes or the Sun?

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