
Are we gonna die?

by  |  earlier

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by 2012 or something like that

is like all over the place..

kinda scary




  1. Yes, I think you have until December though !!!

  2. yea better hide quick u only got like 3 years

  3. I hate to break it to you but we all are going to die sometime.  I am more afraid of getting hit by a drunk or careless driver or falling in the shower.  It's not how you die, it's how you live.  Do your part.  Live smart.  We are taxing our resources at an alarming rate and we have not had any significant world population corrections.  Sure we have had some isolated disasters unfortunately, but those were over a short period of time.  Look back in history and look at how many lives were lost due to plague, disease, world wars and civil wars.  A lot of lives lost constantly over many years.  And big ones each generation except ours.  We cant be any different than any other generation.

  4. Do something. Educate yourself and then take some action. Otherwise, you can't complain.

    Think about this:

    Carbon absorbs heat. Adding more and more carbon particles to our atmosphere that absorb and trap the sun's energy is like putting quilts around the earth.

    The earth needs a protective heat barrier to make the climate hospitable to life. But too many quilts trap too much heat, and that heats up the planet beyond what is necessary and healthy.

    It's like your car on a sunny day. Even of it is cold outside, the car will absorb the sun's heat. If the windows are rolled up, it can get quite warm inside.

    On a hot day, it's almost unbearable inside the car without the windows down or the air consitioner running. It can actually kill a person or animal if it gets too hot.

    Do something. Take action, Don't sit around worrying.

  5. Hopefully not, I barelyy lived my life yett.

  6. i have heard this too

    ignore i suggest

    do good thing thats it

    start enjoying life from now

    its not nice  but ok that we all gonna die togather

  7. That rumor is based on the calender of an old native America civilization that died out hundreds of years ago.

    That was the last year that the calender went to.

    don't you think it is kind of silly to base the end of the world on the fact that some ancient civilization never made their calender go more than a couple of hundren years into the future?

  8. I kinda hope so, funny huh?

  9. Some people might, if they're in the advanced stages of cancer, or other diseases, or if they get into a really bad accident that year, or something like that. Nothing else is gonna cause it though.

  10. No, there is actually a meteor coming in 2029. No kidding! It is going to hit the Earth, Scientists are trying to stop it from hitting Earth. We will be able to see it by 2019. It has been coming for thousands of years.

  11. Its not  a proven facted they always say that but it has not come true yet.

  12. Stupid people think the world is going to end because thats as far as the Mayan calendar goes to. Its like Y2K, its a bunch of bologna. They stopped the calendar because they couldn't keep planning their calendar indefinitely, they got tired eventually. No, we are not going to die.

  13. not by  2012.  That's bull.
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