
Are we gonna end up at war with Russia??

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Are we gonna end up at war with Russia??




  1. hopefully not but if so i would fight even though im only 16 but plan to be an usmc officer after college. pray

  2. Nope, we are to involved in a political war here at home to know that Russia would have backed down a week ago had we deployed a few tank killers and F22s.

  3. That is entirely up to the Russians.  If they want a fight, we'll bring it.  If they'd rather settle down and listen to reason, we'll bring that too.

  4. Your kidding, bully's only pick on the weak

  5. The only war we have ever been in with Russia was a cold one, neither country is really ready or willing to go to war against the other. At this time if necessary both would try diplomatic options with each other until blue in the face, but if that fails watch out the sh:t will hit the fan.


    @dded: By the way I am a Cold War Veteran

  6. Someday, but not today.

  7. Unlikely. There would be nor winners, nor survivors in such a war.

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