
Are we green enough or is it too late?

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I appreciate everyone's green efforts, but at the same time, I realize that maybe the extent of our harm to the environment is already beyond repair, as scientists repeatedly warned us. So I ask all of you: do you think we are doing enough to save the planet? Is it all already too late?




  1. I personally believe we could do a whole lot more on saving the planet. If everybody could just do one thing to help the environment it would be a major improvement. Even if its something as simple as recycling cans or sorting your trash it would clean up our planet. I believe that there is still time, it isn't too late.

  2. I think we are on the right road.  It took us a long time to get to where we are at though and it will take a long time before things start to really change.  There are some things that cant be repaired but I feel like if we work at it and continue with out "going green" efforts it will pay off one day.

  3. i personally don't think it is. yeah there are alot of people that help the planet but there are awhole lot more that dont realy care or are just 2 lazy. so no, not doing enough and no, not 2 late.

  4. How exactly is the planet being destroyed, what do you mean by destroyed. Our environment is cleaner than it was 100 years ago, we have more regulations and government rules than we can keep track of. Humans always love to have a disaster looming chill out we are not destroying the planet, if you need a hobby go green but don't take it so seriously.

  5. We might have passed some tipping points, conditions that will not self reverse. That does not mean we should stop trying to undo the problem, but we may no longer be able to count on Gia to heal everything done to date, or the healing may take longer than we have.

    If we want for instance to undo the effect of CO2 on global warming, we may not be able to accomplish it all with reduced emissions. We may also have to work on increasing the effectiveness of earth's plant life in absorbing and sequestering it.

  6. Well some things will always be irreversable. Whenever we build we harm nature. But i think we are doing what we can for the most part. I think we should find ways to avoid using gas though.

  7. You know what? People have already began their efforts in order to heal Mother Nature. We just need more dedication, more consistency and more simplicity. We're not doing this only for us but also for the future generations :>

  8. Is never too late, specially if we can inspire and motivate enough people. You can do that by very simple means.  Check this article to find out how:

  9. It is true that some of the damage we have done can't be undone. We do need to strive to create more sustainable ways of doing things. What we chose to do today will have a long term impact. We aren't doing enough yet, but everyday someone becomes more aware and begins to make changes.  

  10. as said to other: CO2 is now very abundant that it is merely impossible to save the earth. but, as sited by a reference: the abundance of CO2 today is almost the same as the abundance of it during the 50's. so, there is a very big possibility that we can save this planet.

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