
Are we having all these problems with 360 really cuz it is shutting down?

by  |  earlier

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no one can get comments or receive what is going on?




  1. I think it is just being neglected. So yeah, probly right. Hopefully the new Yahoo will come out soon and it will be awesome, or I will go postal. lol

  2. make sure that no fan vents are blocked.

    call or send it to microsoft.

  3. There are rumors that Microsoft is trying hard to buy Yahoo for approximately 44.6 B. Yahoo doesn't believe that it is a fair offer based on its financial sheets/statements. In order to upgrade its offer from either Microsoft (or Google), Yahoo must show a greater net worth to get a higher, or greater, offer from Microsoft.

    Therefore, anything that is broke, stays broke and any contract for repairs have been either cancelled, put on hold or terminated.

    That is the rumor. The inability to fix anything has everything to do with the offer Microsoft gave to Yahoo. And, Bill Gates, CEO/President of Microsoft is a tough man, third richest man in the world, to fight. Microsoft will most prolly own Yahoo in the near future.

    Many of us have been going over to another site-Multiply, Skye, etc. to keep friendships going.

    My handle/Addy at yahoo messenger is marnefirstinfantry. Hope to hear back from u and chat and share...

  4. I do think it has indeed shut down. I havent seem my page in 360 yahoo in  4 weeks. And cant find it anywhere on the web, all addresses I go to  wind up beta 360 yahoo or say no such url,s .So I believe your right is gone  forever.

  5. give up on 360 and go to multiply. they listen and respond to complaints unlike yahoo. thousands have abandoned  360 for a better site and its user friendly. check it out here ....      and look at the members that came over from 360.....

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