
Are we having only 4 years remaining to live on earth?

by Guest32265  |  earlier

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According to some scientists the earth will get destroyed on 21st December 2012... There were many tests performed on some countries like Poland, Germany etc. and all came to the conclusion that the orbit of the earth may get reversed on 2012 and every planet will attract each other and the earth will blast. NASA also has provided some evidence of this(as shown on news channels)...

Also in mayan culture their calender ends on 21st december 2012 as they believe this to be the last day of earth.

Is it true?

If yes then why should we wrk hard for the better of our future? We should enjoy the remaining days!

Please anyone describe me if this is really a scientific truth or its a rumour?




  1. I believe there is some true in it.  It read about it in a website though I forget which one, it was predicted to be 21st July 2012.  It seems frightening.  Sometimes I do wonder why we are working so hard and saving very cents if that is true.  I prefer not to think about it now and try to be happy each day.  I notice a lot of people around me do not believe this end of the world thing and they laugh with amazement when I take it seriously.  I am glad some others stand together with me in this end of the world matter.

  2. its just a nonsense rumor  made to scare people

  3. yes but it is predicted... who knows what would happen after 4 years. maybe there is a hero to save our earth or i mean alien.. although we just have limited years to develop our future if you believe the forecast, but we still have to finish our responsibility of a human. so that it is not a waste to be a human and god will know...

  4. <<Are we having only 4 years remaining to live on earth?>>

    No, we are not.

    <<According to some scientists the earth will get destroyed on 21st December 2012...>>

    Name one.

    <<There were many tests performed on some countries like Poland, Germany etc. and all came to the conclusion that the orbit of the earth may get reversed on 2012 and every planet will attract each other and the earth will blast.>>

    I happen to live in Germany.  Nobody's mentioned any such tests here.  Presumably, somebody's made them up.

    <<NASA also has provided some evidence of this(as shown on news channels)...>>

    Funnily enough, they haven't done so on any news channels I'm aware of.

    <<Please anyone describe me if this is really a scientific truth or its a rumour?>>

    You've just written a load of groundless assertions, claimed they were true, and now you're asking whether they're true?

  5. I don't know of any scientists who say the earth will get destroyed on 21st December 2012. Liars and fraudsters maybe, but not scientists.

    As for the orbit of the earth getting reversed - doesn't that strike you as just a tiny bit far-fetched?

    Every planet already attracts each other. It's called gravity. No reason why that should change. The earth will blast? I don't understand what this means.If NASA has provided some evidence of this, then it's news to me. Perhaps you could provide a link to the relevant part of the NASA website?

    All that happens on 21st December 2012 is that the Long Count of the Mayan calendar clicks over into a new cycle, in the same way that the year 1999 became 2000. Some people can't let this date pass without attributing to it all sorts of ridiculous claims of disaster. Not one of these claims has any basis in scientific fact.

  6. No reputable scientist says any such thing. NASA has not said such things. Neither have Polish or german scientists. This is all nonsense. No one can coordinate the Mayan calendar with our Gregorian calendar, so dates based upon it are only wild guesses. It does not say anything about doomsday anyhow. I bet you $1000 that none of this stuff will happen. This is just nonsense invented by some anonymous swindler. It is not science at all.

  7. Are you stupid?

    Any ideas that the world will come to an end on December 21st, 2012, come from the fact that that's the last day of the Mayan calendar.  Now, the Mayans were a very advanced civilization for their time, but when it came to when their calendar ended, it was based in mythology and their religion.

    Ask me this question again on December 22nd, 2012.

  8. Yes, this is completely 100 percent TRUE. Since you won't be needing any of your worldly possessions please contact me so that I can inform you of how you can send me all of your money.


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