
Are we headed for a cold war with Russia ?

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Russia has been drilling their own oil and now has quit a bit of money to put towards their military ( and greedy politicians ) so will Russia put the screws to everybody now. Will they also turn the valve off to other european countries ?




  1. I think they need some economic sanctions on Russia. They are not a wealthy nation as they once were and economic sanctions would hurt them. I am sure Russia's relations will be chilly in the US and Europe for quite some time. The Russian's want to be the super power they once were. They show no signs of getting out of Georgia.  

  2. No, this is very unlikely. For starters, Russia is no longer a dominant superpower of the world and it would be quite stupid of them to even think of invading another country seeing as they have very little strong, dependable allies around the world.

    Plus, the Cold War that occurred between Russia and America during the last half of the 20h century was a war of competing ideologies. As far as both nations are concerned communism and capitalism are just ideologies that each nation holds, nothing to start a war over. Even more, Russia, in practice, is barely a communist country any more.

    If you are worried about any country 'putting the screws' on others then I would look to China-their military and economic dominance of the world is something to quiver over.

  3. not a cold war.....a world war

  4. no, to counter this the US will probably mass product hybrids, or water fuel, no cold war, you should be scared of the chinamen

  5. It won't be 'cold'...if we get into it with the Russians, it'll be a shootin' war...and you can bet it'll be hot, real hot.

  6. Sure, Oil is used as a weapon.  Lets get busy with our own land and drill here and conserve more.

    We are now officially in a cold war.

  7. in europe we dont like russia we dont like america either but you have money and they have oil id go for the money and take  the oil  

  8. If the neocons get their way, yes we will. They make it seem as though Russia is the evil guy. That's what they want. The whole Georgia-Russia thing is being used by the neocons as an election ploy.

  9. No, of course not!

  10. I don't think so. First of all Georgia was the aggressor in this.  Russia just went overboard in retaliation "in americas eyes".  Really there not doing anything all that worse then we are in iraq.  Now, the US has a few ties with Georgia that keeps us interested.  First we have a US funded oil pipeline that runs threw Georgia, which we must protect.  Second Georgian troops have been fighting for us in Iraq and Afghanistan for over 5 years.  So to turn our backs on them now would look horrible to the world and would make our other allies really question there ties with the US.  I personally don't see the US getting involved anymore then to drop "humanitarian" supplies.  US troops hitting the ground in Georgia would thin out the US military to much and would cause great problems with Russia.

  11. yes...yes they are

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