
Are we headed for another depression?

by Guest56556  |  earlier

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Unadulterated greed by the wealthy, collapsed the buying power of the middle class in America causing the great depression of 1929. Given the current outcomes of deregulating the banking industry and other industries, and the continued erosion of the middle class, do you think a total and sever financial collapse is on the horizon for the U.S.?




  1. Headed for another depression!  Sorry to inform you of this but we are already living in one!!!!!!

    God Bless

  2. Yes most definitely, especially if McCain takes the white house. Did you see his VP pick?...LOL

  3. Well, US GDP was up 3.2 percent in the second quarter. Yeah, that's a depression.  

  4. bush bought land in Paraguay like most n**i war criminals cause they don't pay for their crimes either or are punished like the rest of us,

    Don McClanen thinks a condition called pleonexia has overtaken the U.S. 'Pleonexia is an insatiable need for more of what I already have, and it has penetrated our culture to the point where people are angry at the poor,' he states."

    Jaye Scholl; Don McClanen Offers the Wealthy a Different Kind of Freedom; Barron's (New York); Sep 18, 2000.

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