
Are we heading for war?

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looks like it what do ye think??




  1. We are at war where have you been !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. The question should be are we heading for peace, but the answer is no.

  3. who are "we"?

  4. Yes if America together with its puppet government in the U K have their way, both countries have in living memory been at war with different countries as this is the way their economies are managed.

    There is little doubt that the conflict created by Georgia on the doorstep of Russia was engineered by Bush and Co with the assistance of the armaments industries to divert attention from the downturn in the U S economy.

    By what right has the American government got to interfere with events on the other side of the world that have nothing whatsoever to do with them.

    Then we have David Cameron the U K Tory leader putting his big Pluto foot into the issue by stating that Georgia should be given N A T O membership.

    This would inevitably lead to war between Russia and some of the N A T O countries with the U K as usual doing the donkey work for Uncle Sam, resulting in more British lives lost and pushing our country closer to bankruptcy than it already is.

    It is time that American and British politicians stopped involving themselves in the affairs of other countries and got on with the job of running our two countries for the welfare of the people who elected them into office.

    Christians no, warmongers and hypocrites yes!

  5. Don't worry!This is international politics at it's best! Brinkmanship! Both sides know exactly how much to push the other!Both sides know that no one side could win in any confict!Except China in this case!

  6. h**l ya

  7. will there every be any Peace?

  8. There will always be a new war going on for the rest of your life  ? duh !    

  9. I think you read too much garbage press and watch too many Fox News reports..  

  10. Its just a lot of sabre rattling. But the press don't help matters

  11. besides the three or four we're already in?

  12. we are at war, where have u been the list 6 yrs?

  13. Humanity is always on the Verge of war, so whats new?


  14. Give me one good reason why we should be heading for war? This country hasn't got the manpower to fight a war, and neither could we afford one.

  15. No. Just a minor argument...i sincerly doubt whether ww3 will happen as too many activists

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