
Are we helping the iraqi people? or harming them?

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How do you think the over 150,000 dead iraqi citizens, the countless maimed ones, and the over 1 million iraqis who have moved away from Iraq abandonning their homes and are now refugees elsewhere feel about that?




  1. Let's put it this way:

    If the Iraqi populous thought we were doing such a bad thing, there are more than enough of them to rebel against our troops.

    Instead, there are now areas in Iraq where even the groups that didn't want us there have teamed up with U.S. troops to run out the terrorists that have come into the country and bring security to their region.

    Unfortunately, the media doesn't tell us the good things happening in Iraq.  Maybe they like the drama of the bad news and ugliness and don't want to share stories of unity, friendship, and progress.

  2. Iraqis are killing other Iraqis over the differences in their belief in the Muslim religion. This was going on long before Sadam and it will go on after America leaves.

  3. How can we be HELPING them?  We have created total destruction, chaos, and unimaginable circumstances.  I believe in the beginning they thought we were helping them, but now...nuh uh.  Reality is these people have NEVER lived in a democracy and it's really difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.  Their land is demolished, people are living in fear (more than under Saddams rule).  

    I still really do not understand why we think that EVERYONE has to be like us.  Sure, look at the big picture and some people were living in in brutality under Saddam but as long as people went to work, raised their families and kept quiet they could have a normal life (not much different than here).....

    All countries in the world do not have to be like great America and we need to start accepting that fact.  Some (look at Eastern Europe) are now feeling that communism era's were much better for them than their now american capitalist ways.    Most normal people there are struggling even more now than they did during and see, same thing will happen in Iraq, if they ever even get back on their feet.

  4. ya gotta crack some eggs to make an omlette

  5. Helping, of course.  By calling a country a democracy you create streets paved with rainbows.

    And last I checked, we were talking about Iraqi citizens, not how to cook an omelet..

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