
Are we in a dream state when "living" but wake up when we "die"?

by  |  earlier

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I heard of this and it sounded really cool, so what do you guys/gals think?




  1. wake up and go to sleep then!

    This is only a test, a test conducted by your network broadcasting system.  If this was a real emergency you would have heard...............OH c**p!

  2. This is actually something i think about wen i lay awake in bed. Its an interesting theory but it would be an extremely complex dream and we would have dreams within dreams. i have no idea but its possibile i guess

  3. look up plato and the cave mith. it tells of a bunch of people living in chains in a cave. there's a fire burning at the entrance, but the people inside only see shadows on the walls. this is how we live - the dream-while-awake state in which things are not real but mere copies, representations. suppose one day the people are brought up to light. at first they are blinded by the sun's light (the sun being the universal good and truth), but slowly they come to realize what life before was lacking. you see where this is going.

  4. I don't know why exactly but your question reminds me of this movie I saw one time:

    wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Jacob's _ Ladder _ (movie)

  5. maybe we are in a dream state when living and we actually DO wake up when we die..... maybe thats why ppl say that when you die you actually just started living. and when your living your basically still dead.... if that makes any sense.

  6. Check this out: I have contemplated this for quite some time. You're on to something.

    We are living when we are dreaming, capable of all, capable of anything, seeing God to dancing with Einstein.  This is heaven!  

    We die, and are in h**l, when we wake and when that false reality ends we are left in permanent heaven.

  7. Well, that's a very interesting way to put it. I guess you could say that. As a Christian, I would interprit this as being awake (alive) since you're in the presence of God or Satan. But then again, our decisions on this earth determine where we go so I guess our dreams don't determine what happens in the future. We can't make choices in our dreams that effect our concious state except that get us thinking. But I don't know. That is very, very interesting and profound in a way.

    But then it would also mean that you could virtually reincarnate yourself. If you awaken, then your probably have the ability to go to sleep again and enter that same dream like state.

  8. Life is similar, but not in the same mystic way. Life is more like a test, a short span of time. Less than 30 seconds, people think it ends, it doesn't. Compared to eternity, life is that short. A wisp or vapor, our lives count for how we serve God, in that way, our life is like a test.

  9. i was dreaming of a butterfly, yet "i" was just another dream.

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