
Are we in a recession? Who's to blame?

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Yahoo News brought these questions up, but who cares? As a regular American with no ties to the muckety-mucks I don't, because it doesn't help me feed myself, and it doesn't pay my rent or my bills. My only concern is how I'm gonna deal with it. Who's with me?




  1. We are not in a recession since a recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth and I don't think we have had even one quarter of negative growth.

    The Democrats are to blame. They won't do anything constructive to help with the cost of gas and energy. The cost of these two things are the reason why everything else has gone up.

    They put in place the ethanol subsidies which takes an efficent food source (corn) and makes it an inefficent fuel source. This has caused the price of corn and everything made from it to skyrocket.

    They are spending tax payer money to bail out the mortgage companies who made bad business decisions and people who were trying to live above their means.

    When did the mortgage market fail, and gas prices start skyrocketing? When did the economy start going soft? When Democrat took control of Congress! Coincidence? I think not!

  2. Economists rarely forecast with consistent accuracy.

    They always study it after the fact and say, "Well yes I do believe we are in one now since the numbers have come in from the last two quarters."

  3. With the upcoming gas prices and food prices, just all prices American people are going to have to give up some of our luxuries. We might have to go back to living from check to check, limit the places you go to in a car, take the bus, you wont go get a moolate double shake reverse blah blah, every day some will have to make bi sacrifice but if you can cut enough prices you should be fine!

  4. I blame rap music.

  5. according to the definition given by economists no. A recession is defined as 2 quarters of negative growth.

  6. Well the republicans had complete control of the gov't until Jan. 07'.  White House, House, Senate and High Court.  Decisions were made the reflect the situation of our current economy mainly trickle down economics which rarely work except in small microeconomies.  When you destroy the middle-class the economy basically becomes third world with an extremely wealthy upper class and a very low class with nothing in between.  Lay the blame where it belongs with the George W Bush White House and its 28 percent approval rating.

  7. I'm with you,,

    i feel it is everybody's fualt  most of everybody  spent money like it grew on trees instead of banking and spending less,,it is that I wnat it know not later. or  my fav rock/movie  star has it so should I   theroy,

    I know some ladies who brought desginer handbags instead of buying food or paying on their house note,,and where it that purse end up  with them on the street,, a bag lady with a Coach bag,,,

    I will continue to do what I'm doing now,,

    No more fast food, lights out at 8 p.m.  two  loads  of laundry a week, and hang dry ,,

    drive only to and form work and stop at the grocery stores on the way there or back,,

    use coupon's and shop the clearance racks,,

    buy on sale and bulk (non perishable stuff)

    save every penny i find on the ground,, I do NOT put no more penny's in the pennies cups anywhere,

    with the extra money form the gov I had use it toward maintaining my car, (new tire ) instead of putting it in my 401k,,(I will not touch the 401k

    buy a savings bond, with all the lose change I have,

    ( that may help a tiny bit ,,lol) heck I'm almost like I'm  living on the little house on the parrie,,(lol)

  8. No finacial regulations, no control or counsel on 'living beyond ones means', no solid economic policy, no guidelines to banks to not encourage cheap loans, etc, etc. ...

    f***y and Freddy they spend heavily on lobbying and hire liberally from Capitol Hill's revolving door and their executives give top dollar to political campaigns.

    They've also funneled contributions into select charities and think tanks.most us corporations are unable to pay the vendors (due to their funds being held by insolvent banks) so vendors can't pay their workers... factories close their doors.. people can't buy groceries and the entire world falls into a depression. It is all part of the new world order Bush talks about. Did you watch "Zeitgeist:The Movie?"

    http://www.zeitgeis main.htm it is 2 hrs long. When it starts out it doesent seem very interesting, but well worth watching for information.

  9. yes and bush is to blame

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