
Are we in an era of neopuritanism?

by Guest21150  |  earlier

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I obviously think the answer is yes.

But it looks like more so then ever kids are being told that s*x is a horrible thing to be avoided at all cost and that every one is a walking pile of pestilence. I think they are being told lie after lie on all matters concerning drugs, culture, s*x, and art. Christianity is sneaking it's way into all aspects of our life, from our currency to our pledge of allegiance to general consensus of acceptable social behavior. Laws are written to govern morality and not protect rights (drugs, prostitution, gambling, ect...). Many states have laws that enforce Christian beliefs, from blue laws to stating that state officials MUST be Christian and/or nonpagan (really, look it up). I think though, mainly children are being told that their generation is different, that these time are worse then ever, and is being put through an insane code of ethics an laws...

What do you think?




  1. I think you must be on some pretty fancy drugs yourself.  Where do you get this stuff from?  Do you just sit down at the computer and make it up as you go?

    Christianity has been around for 2,000 years.  It doesn't need to "sneak up" on anything.  Christianity does NOT teach that s*x "is a horrible thing to be avoided at all cost" nor does it say that "everyone is a walking pile of pestilence."  God created s*x--and He created it for people to enjoy while they enjoyed each other.  Your problem is that you don't like that part about being married first.  

    Yes our laws are based on Judeo-Christian values and teachings but, you will remember, the founding fathers are the ones who wrote the original laws and Constitution based on those precepts and teachings.  Our country wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the faith of the founders so I don't know why you are whining about it now.  By the way, those laws regarding having to be a Christian to hold official office were written when there were only 13 colonies so you know who you can complain to.

    All laws are written mainly to govern morality of someone somehow.  That is just the nature of lawmaking.  The alternative is chaos as human nature does not lend itself to thinking of others before themselves unless it is mandated.  

  2. Firstly I would like to thank you for your question. I feel the question and points you make are without question accurate descriptions of our current society, that being said I'll give my answer.

    I feel that at this point our governments and so called authority figures are working overtime to halt the progress of humanity in order to retain control over the masses. As you say Christianity almost seems as if it is our state religion even though our country was founded on the idea that every man and woman should be free of such tyranny. Yet try to buy to a beer on a Sunday morning and you'll soon find out that separation of church and state is more or less a joke, look at any piece of our currency and you find "In God we trust" just as you point out.

    Not only are we fed lies about drugs, s*x, culture and art but we are even expected to accept that the most corrupt and hypocritical human beings on the planet (United States Government Officials) truly have man kinds best interest at heart which is the furthest thing from the truth.

    The human consciousness is quickly moving forward toward an apex of spontaneous global evolution and these tactics that are being employed by those who should be protecting us are really nothing new, simply instruments of control. Personally I used to get very angry and feel so powerless when it came to this topic because I see the hypocrisy and contradictions that are passed onto us as absolute truth but I realized that trying to stop the progress of humanity is like trying to dam the ocean with straw.

    As Timothy Leary said....

    Think for yourself

    Question authority

    Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the religious, the educational authorities who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness; chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

    Think for yourself.

    Question authority.

  3. I generally agree with what you're saying-- about the laws, anyway-- but I don't believe any state has an actual, currently enforceable law that says state officials _must_ be Christian. And there's nothing wrong with having cultural mores, even if they're based on The Ten Commandments. Speaking as a non-Christian I can tell you that a society that frowns on stealing, murder, adultery, and envy could do a helluva lot worse.

    I also don't think we need any more pregnant 15-year-olds; the working class already pays for enough deadbeats who can't take care of themselves.

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