
Are we inviting the world to give us another 911?

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1. There are nearly 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S.

2. 400,000 illegal aliens have been ordered to deport but are on the loose.

3. We have only 2,000 fed. agents to track down 12-20 million illegal aliens who live and work here

4. We give money to Egypt and Mexico who are building border fences but we are not.

"We are not a boarding house for the world. We are a sovereign nation. It's time we started acting like one" Michelle Malkin -syndicated columnist




  1. To put it simply and to the point, due to the corruption and lack of leadership and ethics in government we will , in very short time be known as the country that once was, but no longer is.- We are going downhill as a nation so fast  the bills on the national deficit is catching on fire-in large part due to the debacle that you are describing in your question. We no longer have the government of the people, by the people and for the people, but rather a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. The reason that the fence is not being built is because the businesses in the US want the cheap labor, and with the labor pool being so large, it drives down the wages across the country-plus the fact that there are people in very high places in this country, that are benefiting from the flow of drugs across the borders. Think about this in reference to your question- If we can't stop the flow of drugs, how can we possibly stop the terrorist from infiltrating and bringing in material for a nuclear bomb? Do you think the drug cartels have such high morals that they will refuse to help the terrorist no matter how much money they are offered? This is all brought on by zero ethics and morals and 100% greed. We have already lost the war before it is even started.

  2. I agree completely! Not to mention that with the boarders becoming so open who is to say that a terrorist from the middle east could not cut there hair and shave off there beard and learn to speak Spanish, then posing as a Mexican strut right across the boarder into our country. Nobody would be able to tell the difference. It's like we might as well tell every one in the middle east "hey come on into our country were giving you a free pass. No matter what your background is"!

  3. You are basically correct in what you say except those involved in 9 11 did not enter the United States as "illegal immigrants" but as legal ones. The same is true of Islamic terrorits in other countries, such as those involved in 7-7 in London. So even if it was possible to stop all further illegal immigration into the US, and send all illegal immigrants back to their country of origin, 9-11 type terrorists could still get in through the unlocked front door.

  4. Yes, but not for the reasons you have given.

    You are inviting another 9/11 by supporting Israel in its blatently illegal actions, and by provoking Iran, Russia, North Korea etc. And also by the percieved unfounded racism and intolerence of Muslims, and black people in general, in the USA.

  5. We are not inviting it. We have, however, failed to seal our borders. Please remember that the 9/11 hijackers were here legally.  Our passive nature and the excuses that Obama and other Dems make do make it easier for the terrorist. Obama said 9/11 happened due to a lack of empathy. Although I do not believe we invite it, we sure are making it easier.

  6. The actual invitation for extremists to strike: Policing the world and wasting half the world's resources with 1/20 of the world's population.

    Extremists usually enter a country by aircraft with friggin passports and have their equipement smuggled in by water or as in the case of the land of crappy gun regulations, buy their equipment in the USA itself.

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