I think that one of my good guy friends likes me but i'm not sure. Here are some of the things he has done: 1) He pokes me, nudges me with his elbow, or just quickly touches me on the arm, leg, wrist, head. 2) Pulled my hair 3) likes to tease me 4) always guarentees me a spot where ever we go 5) Shares things with me, for instance if he has a drink he will sometimes just hand it to me to drink without me asking for a sip. 6) Texts me to see what im doing when were not together 7) doesnt move away when we are close to eachother 8) didnt correct his dad when he called me his girlfriend 9) when sitting next to me he usually puts his arm up and around me 10) smiles or laughs at me 11) gently kicks me 12) does things i ask him to do 13) apolizes when he is being mean 14)makes faces at me and we make faces back and forth 15)He looks into my eyes 16) Lets me wear his sweatshirt 17) When i get mad at him for being mean he will say its out of love and make a heart with his hands. 18) trys to make me feel better 19) Told me he likes short girls and im short 20) He put his elbow on my sholder and told me im the perfect height for him to lean on 21) Our friends say we act like were married sometimes 22) likes to poke me and has pushed my nose in before 23)gets mad when i tell him im mad at him and he tries to make it better 24) told me that he was afraid of starting relationships from friendships for risk of losing a friend 27) refers me as "his girl" when talking to others...do you think he likes me more than a friend and how can you tell?