
Are we living in a police state..?

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Britain has 1% of the world's population but 25% of it's CCTV cameras. Now, according to reports, Councils and the police are to be given the power to read anyone's emails, monitor their phone calls and enter their property with impunity.

Recently I was stopped and questioned by the police after taking some photos of Georgian architecture in Edinburgh's New Town. They wanted to know who I was and why I wanted to take pictures. Quite a dispiriting experience.




  1. Yes, pretty much.  If the recession real hits hard though, the police will be tested to the maximum. There are millions of people who have simply had enough but are presently 'waiting'.

  2. I control my own life, no copper wont be taking me without a fight  

  3. Britain is learning that security and robust policing go hand in glove. It was quick to condemn heavy policing in countries where they faced forces that threatened their internal security and national integrity. They now realise that to prevent terrorists from have a field day, they have to keep an eye on its citizenry more than they used to do. Incidentally, a group of nurses went back to their NHS hospital on a Sunday to take some photos outside their old nurses' quarters for keep-sake. Security guards were promptly dispatched to remove them from the premises for security reasons. They even threatened to take aways the cameras. This is Britain today. This is what we call democracy. More like Demon-crazy.

  4. To be honest!CCTV cameras do not bother me!Why?I have got nothing to hide!

    I have never been approached by law enforcement officers!However!They have my full support!

    After all!People get the police service they deserve!

  5. Terrorists do not come in just one color or nationality. The police don't know if your crazy or not just by looking at you. As long as your not doing anything illegal you have nothing to worry about. Its always entertaining to hear people complain about their rights being questioned, but they are also the first ones to complain about law enforcement not doing enough to protect them. If you want your law enforcement to be tough on crime then you have to accept the fact that they have to scrutinize everyone equally. Its not like the terrorists wear t-shirts that say "I'm crazy, please arrest me!"

  6. Yes and we know who you are so lookout for the midnight knock on your door.

  7. You should change your name to "F*ck off", that way you can tell them every time they ask!

  8. theyve been doing all this for ages,why do you think you dont see many police on the street,they can do most things from listening to phone calls reading emails,car recognition etc etc,

  9. No it's not a Police state neither is it the fault of the Police. This government is to blame. From what I understand the Police don't like it anymore than we do. I agree with CCTV cameras it makes the streets just that bit safer, but they will have to drag me kicking and screaming to get an ID card.

  10. You are getting close,that's for sure. Of course Europe has always been close to being a Police State in some ways,in my humble opinion.You have always seemed to have more Freedoms in some areas than the US,but there's always seemed to be within the Governments of Europe a certain contempt for those who questioned the power of the Government.A certain attitude that,"you don't really know what's good for you,so just shut up and toe the line"

    If I'm reading that wrong,feel free to correct me,but I don't think I am. And now with the European Union,and many of the Laws passed in the last couple decades,your governments have more power than ever.You didn't really think they were going to use that power sparingly,did you? No government ever does,they get power,they use that power,that's the way it works. My guess is you've seen only the beginning in all of Europe.Get used to it,because you've already lost. We in America are just trying to stop our people from doing what you've done.


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