
Are we living in a time beyond good and evil?

by Guest63524  |  earlier

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Have good and evil lost their meanings? Is everything just a matter of preferences?




  1., good and evil occurs everyday...where there is life...

  2. Preference is choosing between good and evil...even if the one choosing doesn't see it that way.

  3. We live in a mass media, mass entertainment dominated age and because of that the former demarcations between good and evil are quite blurred. There is some kind of existential change that has come about directly because of the INFLUENCE OF MASS CULTURE which is very POWERFUL over the masses, and not conducive to inner conscience and personal character building. In the age of THE MASS MAN the personalism of TRUE COMMUNITY has been replaced by the elitist run coercive naturally the geniuine man seems forgotten and is irrelevant....only IMAGE matters, and in that case what need is there for interest in 'good' and 'evil' in MASS SOCIETY, when good and evil relate to *INDIVIDUAL* CHOICE AND CONSCIENCE in the Light of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mass man is no man at all...he is an 'image'.....and yet there is mass belief that he is worthy of emulation. Strange. Very strange.

  4. Good and Evil have always been subjective words. Words that in different places means different things. If you for one second think that someone does something while they think it's evil then you are wrong. People do what they believe will come with the best outcome. That outcome is then looked at by the people it benefits as good but the people it hurts as bad.

  5. The idea that man has some how escaped judgment is an error one which has eternal out comes for the ones not surviving as well as the surviving. The goal of our Planet, Universe and all of Creation is Life and Light. The end of mans quest for perfection while in the physical, mortal status.

    If man does not survive to the cosmic reality though faith he becomes at the time of death as though he never was, his life will have had no meaning. His loved one will search for his name but it will have been wiped from all records.

    In so far as man's evolving soul becomes permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness as the value-realization of God-consciousness, such a resultant being becomes indestructible. If there is no survival of eternal values in the evolving soul of man, then mortal existence is without meaning, and life itself is a tragic illusion. But it is forever true: What you begin in time you will assuredly finish in eternity--if it is worth finishing

  6. Good and evil exist and we do live in a world of preferences.  

  7. Good and evil are just what someone or what the "public" think is good or bad.

  8. deep under..choosing one or another not even considering a possibility that they are not separate entities but one whole thing. Then,by definition, we declare ourselves of being both, no matter which side we choose, we will be embraced by both, and that is the case.

  9. the difference between good and evil is an illusion.

    Yes, doing good is the right thing because it is good for the main stream society but many respectable leaders profess and prosper doing the bad.

    But I am positive, internet will help purify the society and people will be forced to do only the right thing which sometimes may seem evil.


  10. I assume you're asking this question because either you're a moral relativist or you believe that moral relativism is the reigning dogma of our time. Either way we need to examine the possible truth or lack thereof in the doctrine of moral relativism.

    How it's true historically that at different times humans have had different concepts of right and wrong. Additionally it's true that different cultures have had different concepts of right and wrong. This would seem to be a point in favor of moral relativism. But is it?

    At different times and cultures humans have had different concepts of the nature of the universe. The use of reason has allowed humans to figure out that the world was round, that there is a relationship between s*x and having children, and thunder is not gods fighting. Reason saw the truth of these things and these things were the truth regardless of what different cultures believed. Couldn't morality be the same? Meaning couldn't there be a morality that could be found by reason?

    Now if you're a moral relativism more than likely you're follower of Heidegger (however more than likely you don't know this if you are a moral relativist), who saw the world divided between the Platonists and Antiplatonists in regards to the history of metaphysics. In this viewpoint Metaphysics, meaning all the various forms of Platonism (all of philosophy from Socrates to Nietzsche), has as a doctrine that Being is presence, meaning we have it in our understanding to fully see the unchanging formal structure of the universe. Now this unchanging structure, whether seen as natural or supernatural, is according to the followers of Heidegger (and those who follow in his wake -- the late moderns) now seen as an illusion and therefore as a fake, a mere artifice. The truth, or what passes as the truth since the concept of truth is questionable itself, is, according to the late moderns, that Being is absence.  The primacy of freedom is fundamental for we answer to no eternal structures (whether this be God, truth and/or nature, as a regulator of standards). We need to deconstruct the Platonist conception of Being for this leads to the celebration of diversity, toleration and novelty. We must become free, freedom now defined not as the absence of political control but as the celebration of our true selves. Philosophy has been the history of the fake, the artifice of our own mistaken understanding of Being, and now is being deconstructed to make room for our authentic selves. Since there is no foundation to the universe reason, itself, is just a preference and therefore we are living in a time beyond good and evil.

    So we are living in a time beyond good and evil if the Antiplatonists are right about Being but that's a big if. The antiplatonists have only been around for 70 years or so which would suggest that Platonists have a long life. I wouldn't bet against good and evil just yet.

  11. No, that's not completely correct but it is at least politically correct.

  12. One good thing about these times is that people don't live in fear of eternal damnation...even though we are still responsible for our action.

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