
Are we living in the decline of human civilization?

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Are we living in the decline of human civilization?




  1. No, we are living in between two Ice Ages. The earch has spent a lot of time in Ice Ages and only from time to time the ice goes away to allow living. When the next Ice Age comes, it will destroy the civilization...unless of course scientists find a way by then to change geological patterns.

  2. No.

    If anything, we're becoming MORE civilized.

    Never has as large a proportion of humans accepted the notion that all humans are human.

    Never have as many people devoted their lives to making this a world fit for civilized beings to inhabit.

    We ain't there yet, but we're getting closer with every generation.

  3. Its all a cycle. Like the Hegelian dialectic. Every civilization gets destroyed.

  4. I hope not...but some days it seems like it. Maybe we can wake up and rescue ourselves before we totally destroy this Earth and each other.Some people are trying to make it better by giving respect/caring for  one another and our Earth....we couldn't really live without either one.

  5. All civilizations exist, only be geologic consent!

  6. Most certaintly

  7. We never really became a civilization! We are the same as primitive man, no different! Sure we have technology, but our culture is still the same! We still impose our will upon others! We refuse to relinquish any sovereignty! If we need resources we will take them from who ever has them! The height of any civilization is the ability to recognize the individuals right to be free! A civilization has to have long range goals and focus! The last time multi generational buildings were in production was when the great Cathedrals of France were built! Can you imagine the Americans being involved with the same project for multiple generations?

  8. Probably not.  Technology wise, definately not.  Some could argue that culturally as a human race we've hit a bit of low spot.  My guess is that we are closer to an end than we are a decline.  I think our technology will grow past our abilities to contain them (Nuclear power, computers, pollution by products from tech, etc.)  Kinda of a "T2" meets "12 Monkeys" kinda of a thing.  Bummer!

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