
Are we more important than the hippy movement of the 60's?

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I used to envy the hippies of the 60's, but aren't we changing more than they did? Our generation is going green, our generation nominated a half black candidate and a female VP. Aren't we changing politics, whether repub or democrat, for the good? We are getting involved for the first time since the hippies. Whoever wins as president, I am finally proud to be a part of this generation. My only gripe is that music was better in the 60's than it is now. I just like the fact that America has got some fight again. Rock on.




  1. now is the best of times Rock on

  2. There is one major difference between the hippie movement of the 1960's and the youth movement today and that is the hippies were anti-establishment, anti-war and were revolutionary in their thinking.  The youth movement of today is working within the system and changing it from within.

    The hippie movement was effective in its own way by putting pressure on the government to get the USA out of Vietnam, but it remains to be seen if the youth movement of today will be effective.

    (I certainly hope that it will be).

  3. Nah, I don't think we are.

    I'm in Australia and a lot (not me) despise your country. We think you are seriously messed up.

    Although all this stuff is happening, you're not... connected you are all so different in your views, you've forgotten how to connect.

    We do so much study on how your media is owned by the government and stops you hearing the truth.

    I think change is being made, but the hippy movement was more honest.

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