
Are we not educated enough about women's health?

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I suppose what concerns me is seeing SO many questions on the topic in general. Y! Answers is flooded with questions having to do with the topic in general.

I did an average count of women's topics to others and it is quite high in comparison to other topics.

Does that mean we are not educating individuals enough about the topics of womens health?




  1. You can thank the Bush administration and its "abstinence only" policies.

  2. I think because when it concerns Health, different people are 'affected' differently so there are many variations. As such, the number of questions tend to be a lot.


  3. I am sick of women's health issues. Men get ill also, but all you see is comercials about bresat cancer, v****a yeast infections,

    bladder problems, zit cream, ostropreosis, etc. etc.

  4. You have to consider that these questions come from those 13 year old and up.  I would be willing to bet that the large majority of the "Am I pregnant" and such questions are from teens or very young women.  However, I do think there are some people (obviously most of these questions are from women) who need to be further educated about their own bodies.  Often times these are larger problems not known by the general public, that is why we have doctors.

    I also believe women are more likely to go to the doctor and be concerned with their bodies than men.  This may also be a factor in your "average count", which would also be helpful to better understand and answer thisqustion is you had stated.

  5. One in four girls in the U.S. under 18 years old has an STD. Three million teen girls in the U.S. alone have an STD, many of which cause infertility.  "HPV, which can cause cervical cancer, is the most prevalent STD in that study. Nearly half of all African American females tested had at least one STD. Doctors: Screening, vaccination, prevention among highest health priorities".  (CDC)

    With worldwide fertility rates falling to alarming near species-ending lows due to STD's, increased UV damage to eggs secondary to global warming and to environmental pollution, s*x education that is objective is now a top priority.  The CDC found the Christian-based "Abstinence Only" shut-down of s*x education in public schools to be directly correlational with the STD epidemic among girls.  Children have unalienable rights, including an objective education about their own bodies, contrary to "traditional" or conservative superstition/ignorance based initiatives of abstinence and Christian kinky-stinky "Purity Balls", for example.  lol.  Children are DEFINATELY not getting that objective education anymore.

    Also, women's health is a relatively new field of research.  Until the 1990's, women were not even required to be included as subjects in medical research and yet, as now known, thanks to feminism, women and men respond significantly differently to nutritional and pharmacological interventions, for example.  Most nutritional and pharmacological research has been based on MALE anatomy and physiology only, secondary the sexism of the male body being the "right" body or gold standard and second-class treatment women have traditionally experienced in health care.   Massive "catch-up's" are occuring related to CYA liability and need to differentiate male/female responses to interventions which is already benefitting both sexes.  

    Any woman who feels she might have been harmed due to this sexism, especially with pharmaceuticals, should investigate the anti-sexism in medical research and health care class action suits related to her health condition and discuss this with an attorney.  Until women AND men become MUCH better educated about women's health and until women become MUCH more vocal in this matter (and nothing helps get men's attention better than suing them), women's health will continue to suffer and taxpayers will pay for it as the health care system continues to collapse under Conservative anti-society self-serving moronic "initiatives" which invariably leave society with a horrible mess to clean up after their subjective fantasies prove to be utter failures.

  6. I don't know what the situation is in America, but here in the UK we are constantly being told about women's health.  Doctors never stop pestering you to have cervical smears, breast cancer screening etc.  I think we hear far too much about the subject rather than not enough.

  7. its men who arent paid attention regardless of their health!!!!

  8. Either not enough or not well enough targetted, both for women and men.

    The need really is obvious if you read these (and other) boards where questions of this kind can be asked ... the level of very basic igtnorance is scary and disheartening.

    I suspect education is too much political football and not enough reaching out, at least in certain subject areas.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Yes I have noticed how many questions there are in women's health, mainly about periods.

    I agree, I think that although people are educated i nschool about the basics such as sexm contracpetion, periods the extent is pretty much : 'women get periods'.

    So many of the questions are about what is normal with the male and female body regarding s*x, masturabtion, periods pretty much everything.

    So people are experienceing completely normal things in thir bodies but have no idea whether they are normal or not because it isn't openly talked about.

    If parents or teaxchers are too embarassed to talk about things in depth then they should give everyone an indepth book.

    EDIT: Also in the mens and womens healthy there are many peopel worried about the look of their bodies, genitals etc thinking they aren't normal. Maybe this has somethign to do with the cartoonish drawings in the textbooks LOL

  10. I don't have any stats on it but it seems to me that women's health is a lot higher on the health agenda than men's health.

  11. Take into consideration the age of alot of these girls that are asking the questions. So many are so young and yes I believe that even at that age, they should already know the basics of how a females body works. Now I do see a lot of women asking questions on here that, to me, are common sense answers. So that leads me to believe that yes, women need to be more educated about their health. I think something needs to be done starting at a young age.

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