
Are we now seeing the build-up to an attack on Iran ?

by Guest58115  |  earlier

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Are the same people who conned the USA into attacking Iraq behind this attack as well?




  1. Your source is a joke.  Did you read it?  The entire international intelligence said Saddam was a threat not just GWB.  

    Wanna buy some land in Florida.  Cheap.  Just send some money.

  2. Yes... with Bush leading the way....cant wait till that man is out of office, maybe someone will finally send all the troops home!!!

  3. Iran is like that stupid little kid on the block that likes to ride his bike past your home and stick his tongue out at you because you have to rake leaves... In time, they get what's coming to them...  But now is not the time.

    Patience... Iran will rot from the inside out. They are a target of Al Qaeda. They are innovators of Islam, and Islam has no room for innovators.

  4. Unfortunately... yes...even though Pakistan is way more dangerous.

  5. No we are not.  A build up for a war with Iran will involve several subtle signs that would be apparent to strategic and military analysts.

    What you are getting is the same old stuff we get every three months where they hype war scares - knowing that you will forget that they have been wrong every single time in the past.

    Personally, I think that the US should leave Iran alone and tell Europe that Iran is their problem to handle without any US support.

  6. Iran is purchasing old Cold War jets from Russia.  The US will not sell the needed parts to repair the jets left during the regime that overthrew the Shaw.  Iran is trying to build a military strength.  Iran has made several threats against Israel.  Israel historically does not tolerate this.  Israel will launch the first strike.

  7. The Usa are itching to get into another war so yes .Sooner that president bush is out of office the better ,he's a war monger.

  8. Exactly why do you think you are seeing "the build-up to an attack on Iran"?  Aside from reading left-wing propaganda, that is?  That additional sanctions which were imposed on Iran by the US is merely more pressure to get Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons program.  They may or may not work, but apparently sanctions already in place are hurting Iran a lot, in spite of its rhetoric and bravado, and the Iranian people may be getting fed up with their President Ahmadinejad and the way he has been dealing with the whole issue of relations with the West (not only the US, but the EU and other countries also).  Don't rely on some kooky left-wing website for your info on international politics.

    Incidentally, for anybody who thinks that Russia is an ally of Iran and would come to its aid in case of war, got news for you--Iran hates Russia just as much as it hates the US, if not more.  The only thing those countries have in common is that Russia is selling nuclear technology and equipment to Iran and they both hate the US.  The recent statements by Mr. Putin are part of his ongoing pathetic efforts to attempt to convince the world that Russia is still a "world power." which it no longer is no matter how bellicose Putin gets.

  9. lol, what do you mean are we now seeing.  It is been going on for years and the CIA and Bush admitted that they are paying sunni ( Al Queda) Terrorist to Cause violence inside of Iran.  Go look at the Iran newspaper on their website.  You may not be able to read it but you can see where buses are being blow up their military is getting attacked and no one dares call this terrorism, but it is.    This is not a left, right issue, it is all about how the Bush Admin, along with just about every other admin, says the world should do as we say not as we do.  ITS TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE.

  10. CLOSER, CLOSER, almost there CLOSER..ha ha. How are we going to fight Iran when we can't secure a tiny city like Baghdad. Come on people PLEASE. Yes it's all over the news Putin sold out his buddy Bushie & the crafty former KGB king and Iran's President Ahmadinejad have been discussing this for quite some time. Putin's and Russia as an

    ally to Iran...means Bush can't do diddly but scare us that it's going to be WWIII. Oh thats right the sky is falling again. People please don't be bamboozled into a war with Iran this time instead of Iraq. Even if Ahmadinejad gets them...and so far he has passed all AIE inspectors is just ranting about blowing up Israel to get his face in the media, and it worked.

    Iran has Jews in the Iranian Parliament. If they struck Israel

    they would kill the Palestinian's and Islam's third holiest site there...The Dome Of The Rock Mosque....this Iranian president is a spin doctor at best.

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