
Are we prisoners to our past?

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Are we prisoners to our past?




  1. yes, we are.

    people always tend to dwell on what we have done in our past.

    since we cannot change it, it will always be there, lurking behind you. no matter where you go or what you do, people always find out about it, and dwell on it. They don;t ever care about the good that you've done, they only care about the bad things you've done, what you've done wrong, who you've slept with, or what your friends and enemies think about you.

    I think the day that people stop living in the past is the day that the world will have peace.

  2. I think we are prisoners of our past reactions.  Our past reactions determine our future actions.

  3. Yes we are prisoners of our own past but it is also the seat of our liberation. Everyone must in the end decide how they see their own past and decide were to go from there.

  4. wish you weren't vague in your question. Whats up, whats your problem, specifically? We can be if we let it, or we can come to terms with those things in our past and just move on to whats next. The most important thing now is well, Now and the future. Add details, you'll get more answers.

  5. Most people are

  6. No. We are prisoners to our actions. We are responsible for the results of our actions be the good or bad. While this may seem to be the same it isn't because if we were prisoners to our past we would be responsible for the actions others have taken against or for us. Trust me when I say that we are not responsible for other people, now matter how much we think we should be.

  7. i agree with KID, I love coffee too!  

  8. Only if you allow it to be.

  9. Yes, but more specifically we are prisoners to our desires.

    You are not your body, you are an immaterial soul.

    Every time you desire things, you desire something alien from yourself.

    Every time you worry about what other people think about you, you create a false impression of yourself and bind yourself to it.

    The people in the world spend every waking day of their life binding their soul ever more to this body and physical world that they call life.

    Free your mind, happiness will follow.

    Proof: those who are the most happy are simple people, not rock stars, not politicians, not leaders. When was the last time you saw Bush or McCain really happy? When was the last time they showed genuine feelings of love and compassion?

    The simple people are the ones that are happy, but this doesn't mean they are stupid, it means they have limited desires.

    Proof: Gandhi was happy even though he had no possessions. Buddha lived a life of serene poverty. Jesus was homeless and happy.

    The world wants you to be complicated.

    Proof: the media and culture wants you to be a "consumer" not a human being or person but a "consumer" of trash and politics.

    Proof: the term "simple" almost always adds the connotation of "stupid" to it, yet in all worldly affairs, the most simple of things are the most beautiful, never the most complex.

    The world is an instrument of people's suffering and depression.

    Proof: how often do you hear someone complain about the "drama" in their lives, yet do not actually do anything to stop that drama (like abandon the friends that cause that drama to happen).

  10. Our past always effects to present and future But some person have solide personelity who can end effect of their error which they do in past but your present hard work would be gift when present change in past..

  11. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

    -George Orwell

  12. ...ONLY those who accept thinking and living in the past... to enrich their

  13. Actually, we are not even the same people we were in the past. Our skin cells have been shed, our lives are different, our brain structure is different, etc. So how can we be prisoners to it?

  14. We are the grand sum total of all that we have experienced.  The older we get, the more we change and the more we stay the same.  We are prisoners in that we cannot change what has happened to us previously and that, or those, experience(s) have made us view the world the way we now do.  I have been hurt by too many men to ever let myself trust one again.  Is this fair to someone that I may meet in the future?  Not hardly.  But I can't help the way that I think and feel due to my past experiences.  I can only hope that if I meet somebody down life's road who is truly the person he says he is, I will recognize him as being the one for me and will be able to open my heart once again to trust  . . .  and move on.

    Thanks for asking, and good look with whatever or whoever it is that you are searching for.

  15. i love coffee

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