
Are we ready for microchip implants to keep our children safe?

by Guest60010  |  earlier

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The word “implant” conjures up all sorts of negative “government is watching” feelings in some people.

So, before answering my question please go to the following site listed below to get an overview of child abductions in America. Then decide if the recommendations for prevention are enough.

What caught my eye was that there are some 2100 missing child reports filed everyday. That’s over ¾ of a million reports annually!

After reading the information would you choose to have your child receive a microchip implant that would significantly improve the chances of your child being located?

Some people believe it is unethical. But has the world changed enough that this premise is no longer valid? How far would you go to keep your child safe?




  1. Scary stats!  I don't know about implants (though it has merit - especially if it's good enough for a dog), but maybe chips in their shoes!!  IDK...  Or maybe ear piercings with the chips in their - but the male version could be tricky.

    A GPS system for the teens should be a must.  

  2. No. The better choice is diligent parenting. Think about it a while. By having your child implanted, the goverment can trace YOU because you will often be with the child. Consider the political climate in the country with the continued infringement on civil liberties. Do you really want the government to be able to track your movements by monitoring the chip in the child? Do you trust the government to not abuse the capability of tracking your child. With totalitarianism on the rise throughout the Western world today, I believe people who voluntarily allow themselves or their childen to be chipped are making a very big mistake.

  3. I think that having a chip implanted in my child would help me breath a little easier. I would have a way of locating them quick and removing them from dangerous situations. I would have the chip removed when they turn 18.

  4. what ever it takes to keep our children safe as it seems we are a society that isn't getting better only worst.I would do it in a heartbeat

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