
Are we really compatible???? please help!!

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i would love to know what moon and rising sign my boyfriend is! we get on with each other so well!

I am a Libran and have found out that my moon sign is Pisces and my rising Sagittarius. My boyfriend was born on may 27th at 3.10 AM in England west yorkshire, leeds

i would also like 2 know, are we compatible

thank u :)




  1. Alrigth here is a compsite chart,meaning a chart on your twos compaitibility..............

    Pluto Conjunct Ascendant    

    The conjunction of composite Pluto and Ascendant is a sign of a profound relationship. Powerful forces are at work here, which can manifest themselves either in a very positive way, a very negative way, or in some combination of positive and negative.

    At its most positive, this relationship will bring out forces in each of you that will completely transform your lives and set you on a totally new path. You will feel a tremendous fascination for each other that pushes aside all other considerations.

    Sometimes the fascination is felt as a sinister force leading you down an evil path, and often that sense of evil is the source of the fascination.

    There is a negative side of Pluto that you may experience, particularly if this is not a very sound relationship in other ways. It can signify intense power struggles between the two of you, in which one partner feels an irresistible power emanating from the other, which deprives the first one of freedom of will. Such a relationship may be destroyed by the efforts of one partner to break away from the spell of the other.

    Obviously the energy in this relationship is powerful. Unless you use this energy wisely, it could create great difficulties for both of you. Yet it is also a great opportunity to experience a relationship that can change your whole life.

    Pluto in the Twelfth House    12th hs

    Composite Pluto in the twelfth house signifies that this relationship will expose all kinds of previously hidden psychological characteristics, which will necessitate a strong inner psychological transformation in both of you.

    Another effect of this position is a kind of "leaking out" of energy, so that the two of you unknowingly radiate an intense and powerful energy. But others react to this and often become afraid, because they do not know what the energy signifies. This situation often causes people to work against you behind your back.

    The twelfth is traditionally the house of secret enemies, usually generated in the way described above. To deal with this it is necessary to be straightforward in your dealings with others and make clear to them exactly what you intend to do in any situation.

    Sun Opposition Pluto    

    In a relationship with composite Sun opposition Pluto, the most difficult problem will be power struggles. There is a real danger that if this relationship breaks up it will degenerate into open warfare.

    One or both of you must learn to curb your desire to dominate the other. When the power of Pluto is misused, the response tends to be violent, and no matter what you think, with this aspect the power is likely to be misused.

    There is a danger that through struggles for domination one of you may emerge so much the loser that you will not easily be able to recover a sense of pride and self-confidence.

    Mercury Opposition Pluto    

    The opposition of composite Mercury and Pluto could create very intense conflicts between you.

    A typical situation is that during an argument one of you will start to psychoanalyze the other and will present a very plausible case, supposedly in the interest of bringing out some foible and examining it objectively. However, what is really happening is that at each turn the truth is subtly distorted so that the one being analyzed becomes the loser in the battle.

    The process is all the more devastating in that the truth, slightly amended, is used as the weapon, which makes it even harder to fight. Finally, however, a crisis point will be reached, and the victim of this procedure will strike back and make a break for freedom, even though this seems to violate "common sense" as the other partner sees it.

    Use your understanding of the truth to get at more truth, not to win over your partner. And the same goes for your dealings as a couple with people outside of the relationship, since this aspect also gives the two of you power to influence others.

    Moon Square Pluto    

    The square of composite Moon and Pluto can lead to a very intense encounter. Whether or not it will work out positively depends very much upon how you handle it.

    Both have a great penchant for working upon each other's psyche. But don't overdo it or try to be your partner's psychotherapist. Such tactics are often a disguise for a not-so- subtle power game between two people who profess to be only trying to help each other. As a result, one of you is very likely to feel emotionally dominated and overwhelmed by the other.

    The emotional intensity of this aspect can also work in another way. It can create such a strong involvement between you that you cannot let go of each other for a moment, resulting in a smothering relationship in which neither of you can grow.

    Beware of emotionally manipulating each other. Love each other for what you are now rather than for what you think you can make the other person into. If you cannot do this, perhaps it would be best to dissolve the relationship.

    Mars Trine Pluto    

    The trine of Mars and Pluto in the composite chart is an indication of much powerful energy within the relationship, which can change both of your lives if you choose to let it. As a couple, you may find that you have more perseverance than you have as individuals. In some relationships this may take the form of stimulating business or professional ambitions.

    In a sexual relationship this aspect is favorable to strong expression of your physical drives. Direct physical expression of your love will be very important to you both. However, along with the physical expression is the need for your relationship to be a transcendental experience in which you are transported out of ordinary reality by the intensity of your feelings.

    Whatever kind of relationship you have, it will probably transform both of you. One expression of this will be a mutual interest in the study of various forms of healing and regeneration - particularly yoga, because it concerns the physical body - and psychotherapy.

    Venus in the Fourth House    4th hs

    The effects of Venus in the fourth house of the composite chart are felt in the most intimate and inward areas of your relationship. On the psychological level you have a great concern for beauty in your most personal surroundings.

    A fourth-house Venus simply indicates that in this relationship the principles of love and beauty are strong and prominent, although they are expressed most clearly in your intimate personal lives. This placement is usually an excellent indication for an intimate love relationship.

    Venus Trine Ascendant    

    The trine of composite Venus and Ascendant is one of the best aspects to have in a composite chart. It indicates that the two of you enjoy each other and that your love is founded on the ability to be yourselves in each other's company.

    It is not just that you have good feelings for each other, but that the way you feel about each other broadens your understanding of life in general.

    On another level, you enjoy having good times together. You like to go out and attend the theater, nightclubs, and other amusements. If you have come together for business or professional reasons, you would succeed quite well in professions relating to these fields.

    Under any circumstances this aspect should help to make your relationship pleasant and worth having.

    Venus Sextile Saturn    

    Venus sextile Saturn in a composite chart will have a certain restraining effect upon a relationship, ranging from a lasting sense of distance between you to a restrained but otherwise very affectionate bond. A love relationship with this aspect may be more durable than most, but both of you would approach it with a sense of duty as well as enjoyment. If this is a marriage, this aspect might make you stay together for the sake of the children or some such reason, when other couples would have split up.

    If there is affection between you, it is quiet and without fanfare; in fact, you may not show it overtly at all.

    In a business or professional relationship this aspect favors such endeavors as commercial art and practical design work of all types.

    Mars in the Fourth House    4th hs

    The fourth house rules the innermost bases of life - your own inner foundation, the home, the unconscious mind, your parents and in-laws. If the Mars energy is working smoothly, you will hardly be aware of it. The two of you will work together with a natural rapport and an inherent smoothness.

    However, if the Mars energy is not working smoothly, there will be a number of difficulties to work out. The causes of conflict will be in matters that you take so much for granted that you are not even aware of them. For this reason you must question even your most fundamental assumptions to discover how you are subverting your relationship.

    If you live together, the energy could manifest itself as arguments in and about the home. You might have differing concepts of what a home ought to be, which could be a serious source of conflict. Or if you are married, your parents might be the immediate occasion for battle. The basic difficulty is that your unconscious ideas and notions on various subjects become clear to you only when they are challenged.

    Sun Sextile Mars    

    Sun sextile Mars in the composite chart will bring about great energy within your relationship. Being together will make you feel more vigorous and active. You will find that your egos complement each other very well and that you will be able to work cooperatively on most things.

    Physical activities will be important when you are together, even if you are not physically oriented as individuals. You should avoid sitting around and doing nothing, although that is not likely to be a problem.

    In doing any kind of  

  2. You did not put a year for your boyfriend here you go a link you can find out what year he was born and then do his chart

    As for compatibility Libra & Gemini

    This is considered to be a great astrological compatibility match up for a long and happy relationship. Both signs have a lot in common and enough contrast to make an ideal partnership. Libra being under Venus's influence and Mercury ruling Gemini makes for a very good planetary configuration. Both favor similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination's intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. The Libra will understand both sides of the Gemini nature. This will be a very stimulating relationship. One sign compliments the other and brings out the better part of each other's nature. Gemini will find it easy to communicate with libra that is only too happy to share information and ideas. This makes Libra and Gemini a very good match indeed!

    Love & Blessings


  3. no, if you guys stay togetther horrible things will happen.

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