
Are we really in a recession?

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Or, is this a way for the Democrats to convince people they need a change in America? This is a friend of mines theory and I sort of wonder. If people can not afford to spend more money, then why is it that there are 3 huge developments near my home going up with more department stores and specialty shops?




  1. America used to be a manufacturing country but we have evolved more toward the customer service industries in the past decade (or more) while our textiles and other business move overseas to other countries...So it is no surprise that more shopping malls and restaurants are being built.  And yes...I believe we are in a recession.

  2. okay lets get everything out the open. Since October-November of 2007 the economy has been in a recession. The problem is caused by many things happening in our economic world. Now this started by jobs being not produced and having people lose there job. I myself lost one of the jobs from that winter. So since then the president hasn't made any new jobs and every company is cutting jobs. Why? As people lose jobs, nobody is buying things as we did during the Clinton presidency everybody is cautious and buys only necessities. So since nobody has been buying things the economy has gone down a little.

    As well with jobs, your government spends 12 billion a month in Iraq. So there's goes some money problems, plus an increase in trade with China is another factor that affects the economy. Then we get to the major ones like housing, oil, food. Since 2007 nobody has been buying houses so the housing bubble that many people spoke of burst and thats why people keep losing there house. With jobs being limited and not paying enough for a person to pay the mortgage and there bills amny people got foreclosed. Then you have food and oil. Oil has skyrocketed to 143 dollars a barrel while food prices has skyrocketed by world inflation.

    Why is oil so high? Some believe its price guggling, some believe its the play of future oil stocks, others have there ideas. There is enough oil out there just inflation playing into oil. The same with food, because of world inflation everything went up 10-20%. With that than commodity stocks went up and with that it helped oil and gold go as high as it is. So everything even including credit which I did forget all leds to economy doing terrible. We are in a recession and its not gonna be pretty til christmas if possible.

  3. Well the stock market has dumped about 1,000 points and fuel prices have skyrocketed. Other prices are following. How does your friend suppose the Dems pulled that off?

    "why is it that there are 3 huge developments near my home going up with more department stores and specialty shops?"

    Such projects take several years to plan. It doesn't mean that those department stores and speciality shops are going to do well.

  4. We are d**n close. Look, you can say that the Democrats are exaggerating this to score political points, that's a valid argument, that's how politics works, but you can't look me in the eye and tell me that the economy is in wonderful shape.

  5. Yes, the economy has been in a recession for some while now, the middle class is suffering, not corporations, they are simply taking advantage of us and bending us over. Development has nothing to do with it, because developers are upper class with lots of money, who can still afford to invest despite the dropping dollar. We are almost in a depression, we are way over a recession, its time to invest in other currencies or buy commodities, because sooner than later, your money will not be worth anything.

  6. I'm doing fine.  I live in the best country in the world.  I am a 22 year old guy with a wife and daughter.  I bought a house recently because some dumbass bought a house he couldn't afford.  I have 2 cars paid off and I am happy.  And no, my parents are not rich, and I received very little help from anyone.  I served in the Army and now I GOT A JOB.  This is a recession in the minds of people with a political agenda.  Of course democrats will try to sell the idea that Bush destroyed America's economy.  They want to win.  The economy will go up and down over and over.  I doubt we're going to perish as a country because of it.

  7. Only after Bush leaves office will we find out the truth as to what a mess he's made of this country, regardless of who wins the election. The Bush administration has 'cooked the books' and hoodwinked the American people for as long as possible; eventually, the truth will come out and we'll discover that we're not only in a recession - we're headed straight for the WORST economic depression in American history (I predict it will happen in October, 2009).

    Here's what will happen in November:

    a) The Republicans will recognize that a depression is imminent, and you'll see a mediocre attempt on part of the GOP to win any November elections. Better to let the Democrats win in a landslide and then blame them for the depression. That lets Republicans come back strong in 2012 to continue their rape and pillage of the world's oil supplies.

    b) If Bush invades Iran (as published reports claim he plans to do before he leaves office), he will declare martial law, claiming that it's not in the country's best interests to change administrations at the start of a new 'war'. He can easily do this since he's revoked the Posse Comitatus Act of 1879, which means he can declare martial law without the consent of Congress.

    c) If the GOP sees evidence of the economy improving, an all-out effort will be initiated to win the November elections, using every 'dirty trick' in the book (just as Republicans have done in previous elections). McCain will be recruited to follow in Bush's footsteps, all for the sake of a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers who want to become wealthier and more powerful.

    Bear in mind that Presidential candidates are no longer elected; they are 'selected' by members of the Bilderberg Convention. A monopolistic, corrupt stranglehold by the "Republicrats" controls our elections, allowing voters little choice - and no voice - in who gets 'elected'. As FDR warned, we will be under the control of the elite power brokers who virtually 'own' this country.  -RKO-  06/28/08

  8. Technically, we're not OFFICALLY in a recession, but basically we are. Almost everyone in our politcal system will say no, but our economy is currently taking a hit.

  9. You will be in a depression soon.

  10. Look at this way $500.00 is eqcuivalent to $100.00 Recession.

  11. The overall US economy is in a recession, yes.  It's exactly every town getting effected, but they will start to if we don't do something.

  12. Our economy is declining, so yes it's a recession. Now, the actual effects of this recession are debatable. But due to the demand China is having on us, the fact that we don't really export anything anymore as a nation, and the housing market crisis. Yes, we are in a recession of sorts.

  13. I suspect we're in a lot more than just a recession:

    What's happening now seems like classic signs of the end of the oil age. Which if true, has massive implications for us all.

  14. Not officially.  A recession is two consecutive periods of nevative productivity.  We have not achieved such an extreme.  However, the economy is in a poor state.

  15. I think that we are. All of our major american based companies are struggling or selling out. Since NAFTA i know Ohio has lost 1/4 million jobs so far. Part of the reason the economy is bad is because people don't have jobs/good paying jobs to pay for things. Who will buy products when no one has a job?

  16. Yes we are in a recession but people still have to live and shop somewhere.

  17. yes we are.  gas is high and people are getting layed off around here from gm and dimlar crysler.  mass transit around here has picked up because of people are feeling the pinch of gas.  also i been to a home depot on a saturday and it was dead.  also the roads aren't as packed as they use to be and the town festival was smaller than normal this year.  all i got to say is 4.109-4.149 a gallon gas will make you think where your going and go from there.  also the housing market hasn't gone back up yet.  

    for the stores they might be going up because companies are finding out that having stuff over here is cheaper than over seas because of the fuel prices.  all i got to say is finally that america should have pride in made in america.

  18. No, we are not in a recession, this is just the governments way of raising prices on everything, but you would think, they would make prices like gas go down, isn't it just ridiculous.

    if we are in a recession, then why is everyone buying homes, new cars, and spending like crazy.

    the mall today was packed, and I thought I am gonna watch a little while, and the people were paying with large sums of cash, credit cards and debit cards....

    I do not believe it at all..

    money makes money, is the old saying, those to have it get more, and those without it, get less....

    and instead of sending millions of dollars overseas to help out,  why not spend it here in the good ole USA on families and kids that need homes here and food....

    just my opinion, and I think a valid one.

    and the reason I quote this today, because a very prominent movie star and his lady just donated 2 million dollars to orphans overseas in Iraq.......our kids need it also,

    I am not saying they don't deserve it also, but our kids in America need it also...

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