
Are we running out of fossil fules?

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gas prices , Iraq , afgahn???




  1. Fossil fuels are being extracted and burnt faster than they are being created.  Therefore we are running out of them.  The only question is how long it will take.

  2. Yes we are running out of fossil fuels. Gas prices are increasing and nobody is really buying any SUV's lately and it is having an effect on our transportation system. We only have about 30 years of gas left. In about 10 years from now police officers won't be able to afford gas and they will have to ride on horses. Not just police officers, but you will have to ride on horses someday too and ride bicycles and so will i and everyone else. The war in Iraq is over gas, because this country is getting desperate for gas. Did you know that there are some Americans going to Mexico, because Mexico has more gas and those other fuels? You know fossil fuel is a non-renewable resource and it takes millions of years to develop.

  3. No.  We still have plenty of coal and natural gas.  There is a theory called peak oil that says that oil may run into trouble.  The real trouble is there is more demand for oil than supply.  India and China are growing in their demand for oil.  

    Our gas prices are high because congress refuses to let us drill for oil off our coasts.  Congress would rather than India and China get our oil via slant drilling.

  4. no we are not.... there is billions of barrels of crude oil not utilized yet off of the shore of alaska but our government will not let us use it because they say wildlife will be killed by it....and also they are finding that crude oil wells will replenish themselves over time... quit listening to left wing environmentalists and research the facts

  5. we will eventually in like 200 years

  6. The North Pole contains as much as 1/4 of the earth's oil supply.  The U.S. has ANWAR, the Alaska reserves.  We have enough coal to last another 1500 years.  

    The question is, do we want to continue using fossil fuels when there are alternatives?  Nuclear energy is considered one of the safest forms of energy but people equate it with nuclear bombs.  Hydrogen energy is basically "water power" and cars can even run of the stuff.  Other forms of energy are solar energy (too expensive), bio-fuels and combinations of the different types of fuels.

  7. NO! NO! NO! Oil is a naturally replenishing inorganic substance occurring under the earth as a result formed from magma instead of an organic origin. The name fossil fuel is even a farce. How can oil be created from fossils when they are digging deeper than fossils to find it? Oil prices will skyrocket to the Bilderberg goal of $200 a barrel before to long. Peak oil is a scam to create artificial scarcity and drive prices up, there is as much oil under the North Slope of Alaska as there is in all of Saudi Arabia. Its all a matter to control us.

  8. In Venezuela gasoline price is U.S. 19 cents per gallon.

    Oil companies are using devil stunts to get your money out of your pockets.

    see "gasoline and Diesel usage and pricing" in your pc engine, you will be surpriced to find out prices way out different than those you pay

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