
Are we safe to live in metro cities like Delhi ,Mumbai etc.?

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Are we safe to live in metro cities like Delhi ,Mumbai etc.?




  1. We or you are as safe as you think you are. So no we are not safe to live in big metro cities, yet we are safe. We need to understand the complexities of a urban life style and adjust to it. People will prey on you but you can make money so be careful and live without showing any prosperity. Til you can leave!

  2. no city life is safe, go to village for peaceful life

  3. you are safe when you feel safe only

  4. do you believe in fate.then don't worry.

  5. I have several friends who live and work in both places. In terms of security these cities are very secure and the people are friendly. In our discussions, with my friends, issues of security has never been a concern. On the whole security depends on your style of life but feel secure to go there but it is very hot. The two cities have low rate of crime based on my reading compared to Durban or London even if I can not substantiate the account with reliable statistics.

  6. It is the function of Government and there is no question of doubt on safety and security .

  7. tou are safe everywhere in this world and also you are not safe anywhere hona hain wo hona hain

  8. There is no place where you are safe.Every place has some problems because of that you can't stop living right.You can't depend on any one that they are there to take care of me.You need to take care of yourself and should always be careful

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