The red square Nebula baffles scientists because of its perfectly square structure, reminding the one of a diamond.
On top of that, it has been observed as it is approaching the earth
In space, objects with a red tint are known to come closer to the earth, whereas objects with a bluecolor tint are known to move away from the earth.
Question: Could it be the NEW JERUSALEM, "coming down from Heaven, as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation, 21st chapter)???
Also, its "diamond shaped" structure that looks "crystal-like" reminds me that the Holy City is described in Revelation 21st chapter as "clear as crystal"...
Only time will tell. If this is not the Heavenly Jerusalem, moving closer to the earth, as the Bible has foretold, then we can suppose it is just a type, which to me is a harbinger of the real thing!