
Are we starting to like Darnell ?

by Guest56443  |  earlier

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...I surely hope not...i think it is self explanatory that he is a complete and utter waste of space, the way he kicks off all the time...always thinking about what other people are going to think of him...

Also Rex is a d***, he manipulates every situation he can. He starts off the arguments and then sits back watching them unfold, without them ever coming back to him...

Just because of tonight's saga are we liking Darnell, enough for him to be in the house after tomorrow night?

Darnell & Rex to get the boot tomorrow?

Who's with me?




  1. I like Darnell, Kat and Sara are the one that should go

  2. Absolutely not!

    Darnell worships rex - he waits for rex to stir and he's right in there shouting his mouth off -

    I know the poles say Kat and Mo are likely to go, and i guess i'll have to be happy with that - but i wish it was darnell and rex going...

    Well i wish it was darnell, rex, kat, and mo going - now that would make my day             ;  )

  3. No

    And tonight I know Kat was majorly over dramatic but when Rex asked the question Darnell, again, proved how much he's so desperate to be seen as one of the lads by Rex at the speed at which he answered his question. I mean if he tries to kiss bottom anymore he's gonna start climbing up it.

    So at first I can kinda see why she was upset.. and then the dramatics happened..

  4. nope, i hate him

    and the two people who want him to win are black........

  5. have liked and supported darnell 100% all the way through (and i'd like to point out to RMC that i am white). he's made mistakes but haven't they all in their different ways?

    darnell to win!!!!!!

  6. I never really stopped. A few times I have wished that he had not said or done certain things but....


  7. I'm Not. He is OK, after today that is. Kat acted really weirdly 2 that joke!

  8. Not me, anyhow.

    Don't care who wins so long as Rex doesn't.

  9. Nah ... Darnell has always been a contender for me - He has spoken up whether its been popular or unpopular and not sat on the fence when others have - although he has slipped in my estimations - there are others that should be out way BEFORE him

  10. he has never been disliked by me, yes he made a terrible mistake with the whole sara saga. but i've always supported him. from day one he has hms sussed out in a rash. the final wouldn't be great without him.

    and if people dont like him for the supposely bullying then rex should should get 100 worse than him

    he has been entertaining good at sussing luke out earlier.  acting feminine with mohammed and mickey and his role in spitgate ( please dont tell me that anyone agrees with someone spitting on someones face)

    bigbrother is not just about entertainment it is an experiment of ppl been put together and seeing how they would react to it in a 24/7 enviroment.

    darnell has gone through all sorts laughter, aggressiveness, paranoia you name it.

    i hope darnell makes it at least to the final and wins. but maybe thats asking to much i hope he makes it in the top three though

  11. I always like Darnell... and nothings changed my mind

  12. You've got it all wrong.

    Rex has a big chance of winning ,especially with people voting for who they want to win NOT who they want to get evicted.

    With this, people will vote for rex {fans} and people who dont like rex, wont do anything because its not like thye're gonna vote for everybody except rex.

    Kat will probably go.

  13. I do hope it's Darnell and Rex who goes tomorrow but unfortunately, the polls are predicting Mo and Kat to go.

    No, I'm not liking Darnell because of tonight's little episode - I say what goes round comes round.

    How many more times will he be going to the diary room pretending to go do you think!! There is only so much self pitying I can take.

    Rex and Darnell are both dic*s.

  14. ahh this is the fickleness of bb





    then get rachel darnell mo and rex out  

  15. I've always liked Darnell even when everybody wanted to hang him from the nearest lampost !

  16. No I dont like Darnell or Rex ,But I would love to see Mo ,and Kat to go first  and Sara to win  

  17. darnell's cool cause he's glad to say things even though it may or may not win him fans. darnell my man 4 the win. if not him then hopefully rachel i wish mo fro would have a chance too but i can't see him getting anywhere past tuesday im afraid.

    he has an amazing insight and loyal to his friends and the house even with rex is his close friend, whilst nominating nicole.

    on live fed 2day he was like to mo so after friday is gone when should i stop by your house mohammed.

  18. He has the same last surname as me, i love him ;)

    Fake tan ftw!

  19. I have always liked Darnell and I wish people would just stop and think why he behaves the way he does.  Put yourself in his position as an albinio with limited sight and feeling like a freak - I said 'feeling like' as he is not one.  He just wants to be accepted for who he is and for people to look past his strange looks.  You try being a black man in a white body and it would make you paranoid.  I agree with you about Rex though - he should have gone a long time ago and his head will be even bigger, if that is possible, if he stays after tonight.

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