
Are we still Evolving? If so, what will we evolve into?

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Nb. Yes, I am posing quite a complex question in rather simplistic terms. Sue me.

Thank you




  1. we never evolved, God created the world!

  2. If we are evolving, I would imagine we are making ourselves something relating to cockroaches as we adjust to the chemicals and other garbage we are creating and living in. To be honest, I don't think  a person from a few thousand years ago could live very well in the polluted world that we have made today.

  3. Melting pot of no mads and  no morals and no bonding and  it will lead to  the down fall of man.

  4. personally i think medical technology and social societies are inhibiting any significant evolution of the human race.

    not that i advocate against this, but i would think humans or anything else would best evolve adhering to more darwinian environments whereby only the strong survive, and that's certainly not the case in our society.  that being said, we probably are pending some catastrophe or outbreak that kills off a significant population, those that survive due to some characteristic or genetic trait would then be the only individuals to contribute to the genetic pool of the future...

    but for some perspective, africans are more prone to sickle cell amenia due to the higher fecundity of those w/ the condition surviving against malaryia.  perhaps we're evolving at the moluecular level that's just not really apparent now.

    another thought, the way society is now, most people seem to be evolving into a******s:)

  5. Yeah, we probably are still evolving, but who knows what to!!

    Probably ppl who can cope with global warmin or suttin like that! Lol xx

  6. Simple question, simple answer(Albeit unimpirical and totally faith based, I know it to be true; I don't just believe it.)

    Adam fell the man might be, Men are that they might have joy.

    As man is God once was; As God is man may become.


  7. We will evolve into fanatical theocrats, because they are the ones

    that are making the most offspring.

  8. Probably

    Every creature evolves and adapts to new environments

    So from what little I know I assume that what we will evolve into will depend on the environment

  9. I think we'll become extensions of our computers.

  10. I am not really sure. Evolution is a process of adaptation to the enviroment and the world around, Darwin suggested that we keep what we need to survive, but that is not the case anymore. Evolution seems to be fastening. In my generation, which are now in their twenties, I have seen many tall men, yet not so tall women. However in the present generation of children I see many with the potentcial to grow taller. This is somwhat a double edged sword, because with height comes greater preasure on the heart and thus such people are more prove to heart desisse. Also, our craniums have gotten a little bigger witch suggest that our mental capacities are evolving as well. Our frontal some(obove our eyes) also seems to taking on a new form, a more concentrated one. Our strength also seems to have encresed. Our feet are getting bigger and our toes a little smaller. Which means that we are not good at running anymore, at least not very long distances.The women also seem to be evolving, what I wrote up referes more to men. In women I see more and more women with more voluptious traits (bigger b***s, bigger butt). Although they are also getting a bit taller, most of them are still rather medium sized but I see more progress in young girls. Most girls no longer have that feminine innocense and spiritual beauty that once attracted me to them. Meaninng that they are getting a little more tomboysh. Also did you notice that there are no more blonds in the world, I mean there still are but they are getting less and less.

      One thing I have noticed is that there are many new genetical defects in the world, this could be the product of week bloodlines or that evolution is starting to play tricks on us. We definetly have to do something about these problems.

      My only statement as to what we are becoming is that I do not know, we could become some sort of advanced beings, but I really think that evolution will be influenced by machines, seeing as we want to interact more and more with them. And genetics might play a big role in the future.

  11. If you believe in evolution , then the next logical step in the human evolutionary process is ....................... ardvaarks !

    Yes ! ............ we`re slowly evolving into ardvaarks . It`s just a matter of time before the transformation is complete .................probably by the end of this century . Some of us have already taken on half-human and half-ardvaark attributes , the same as "prehistoric" man took on half-ape , half-human attributes .

    Of course , our "common ancestor"  in both cases was the half-chicken , half-orangutan mutation , also known as the "flying monkey" , who`s prehistoric remains were discovered in 1903 in Peru by Dr. Alistair Finkleman , co-discoverer of Piltdown man .

    No doubt in the distant future , archaeologists  will uncover the remains of the ardvaarks` ancestors ........... the "prehistoric" half-human , half -ardvaark , and proclaim it to be the evolutionists` salvation , much like ape-man is in our time .

  12. evolution is a product of random genetic traits being favored in a natural enviroment. every person thats born, every animal born has some genetic defects that could possibly make it out survive the others in its species should the enviromental factors turn to favor this trait. don't get hung up on the word defects. genetic defects can be helpful as well as harmful. for instance, say this global warming thing gets out of hand and the temp keeps getting hotter and hotter. most people will die out but there will be some that have naturally been born with a defect that, say, helps them regulate body temperature more effectively. the people with these traits will be the ones that survive to breed, thus breeding it into the entire population at some point down the road so our species can continue. (this is purely hypothetical i don't really know if a defect like this is real or if this will really happen.) because we have technology that regulates our immediate environments we are not as suceptible to evolution as we were when we lived directly in nature. no one knows what we will evolve into, or if we will even survive long enough to evolve into something different.

  13. Of course we are still evolving and even at greater speed than before.

    Into what I can't tell, but the increase in persons who are visuallly deficient (myopia and others) indicates that our cranium is transforming its shape to increase our cerebral volume.

    Our toes are reducing, our feet are getting flatter (as we don't need to run as often as before), our bones become elongated as we work less and less physically (instead of growing larger to sustain heavier charges).

    So all in all, we are probably getting more intelligent, taller and capable to run less faster.

    Of course they are many other small things, but those are the most important so far..

  14. of course we are still evolving, soon humans will be being born without their appendix cause of evolution...and I believe that the human race will just grow more into a virus, destroying earth, our host...but without appendixes

  15. apparently, there used to be cavemen with lots of body hair. and apparently, the earth used to be a lot cooler.

    well, since the planet is warming up, i believe we'll evolve into hairless humans and adapt to the change in climate.

    you may laugh if you wish. but to me, it's logical, haha.

  16. the guys from the TV show heroes!

  17. I think the rate of evolution must be at the very least slowing down because think of how many genetic "defects" that in the days of early man would have killed an individual before they could pass on their dna that now people can live with into their thirties or even full lives, having plenty of time to reproduce.  I.E., asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.

  18. hello troll

  19. We will evolve into whatever survives or breeds the fastest.

  20. My husband never lost his fetal gills completely. He has these dimples beside his ears that ooze the fluid buildup in his head that some people have to have tubes surgically implanted in their ears to get rid of. He has evolved a solution.

    There are some young children who still have the ability to regenerate severed body parts. We all have the ability in the womb but are supposed to lose it before birth. I once saw a man who had an arm cut off. He had regenerated a crude arm and a thumb, it looked like a tentacle with a thumbnail.

    Maybe we'll start oozing sunscreen from our flesh like hippos and develope antibiotics in our blood like alligators.

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