
Are we taking the same steps the EU did before it was formed?

by Guest63592  |  earlier

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iv heard all about this north american union and i just want to know if we are taking the same steps europe took to form the EU.




  1. We were 200 years ahead of the EU. We have 50 independent states united with a federal governemnt. Looks like they finally copied our idea. No we don't need a NAU

  2. idk ha h a

  3. I do know one thing for a fact. If the NAFTA or North American Superhighway is such conspiracy theory...

    ...then what the h**l is the Trans-Texas corridor?

    Why build a 10 lane monster super highway, just to connect Mexico to Oklahoma!?

  4. In some ways yes and in some ways no.  The NAU could be considered the next step after NAFTA.  Probably the biggest hurdle to get over would be common currency and the unrestricted movement of people between countries.  There is no way the U.S. will allow free movement of people and I highly doubt we would give up the USD as well...

    On the plus is good and benefits everyone from a big picture point of view.  Canada and Mexico are natural trading partners due to their proximity...

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