
Are we that low to blame our losses on corrupted judges?

by Guest59520  |  earlier

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I see so many posts on Olympic judges are corrupted and favoring the Chinese. I just think anyone with half a brain would think that is almost impossible. First of all, the judges are from all over the world and to think they would all "favor" the Chinese is pretty absurd. And when there are bribes going on, usually only 1 or 2 judges are even bribe-able. You dont just got out there and bribe everybody because some of them are not going to do it. Yet all the scores have been very similar and not lopsided so it seems that the scores have been pretty fair in the judges eyes. To say that all these judges have no morals is just unjustified. What do you guys think? And dont say the judges have no experience. Thats just a way to convince ourselves that its not our fault when we lose. I bet if we won with the same judges, no one would complain. I'm sure the judges are much more experience than our tv commentators who keeps complaining about the scores like they are pros. Its like side seat driving. We all think we can do better when we just need to shut up.




  1. I think a blanket statement saying that it's all corrupt is cheapening the achievements of the winning athlete.  But on the other hand, when athletes have been competing in different competitions over the last 4 years and have established a certain level of performance, then in the Olympics judges are suddenly scoring those athletes lower than what would be expected...  That's why people are suspicious, why the descrepancy between the scores in similar performances?  Maybe there's tampering, maybe not.  But there will always be speculation when the scoring is subjective.

  2. People always argue about sports.  It has nothing to do with being low or sore losers or too nationalistic.  After we're done with the Olympics, we'll go back to arguing with our own countrymen about a bad call against our hometown team or whatever.  That's just the way it is.

  3. You should talk sense into those who simply can't face up to defeat. The whole world can see who the champions are and what's the problem? Some start to blame the home crowds and biased judges. One thing these people should learn from the world outside other than their own confined country is ... be more exposed, go around , see more, and grow up. There 's a whole big world out there. It isn't only one nation in this world as they obvious think. There should be more people like you around, honest,  to help them.    

  4. "Nothing is too low for a country that advertise beer and junk food during the Olympics. People are so quick to point the finger, pathetic."

    LOL, one of the most hypocritical answers I've seen, good job. Your country should be proud.

  5. I asked a similar question some time back about judges favoring the Chinese. Most responders seemed to PERCEIVE that the home country very often gets inflated scores. Are you telling me that your olympic judges are so unbiased that they can't be influenced by the crowd?

    It is a fact that judges make horrendous decisions. A perfect example is in the figure skating in the Utah olympics. The only thing that is not a fact is whether that is due to incompetence, corruptions or something else. We live in a real world, where real $hit goes down. Stop being so naive.

    Now gymnastic judging is all about deductions. Ideally there should not be much room for subjectivity. Yet the chinese girl who finished 3rd in the all round was clearly getting higher scores than she should have, while the rest of the field were getting "fair" scores. This kept happening over and over and over. Yes it's a perception, but quite a few people shared that perception. And I"m not even American.

  6. do i think that judges may have a tendency to overrate a performance because of the home crowd's enthusiasm? yeah i think that's human nature. but is that unfair? no of course not. because when we had the olympics in georgia we had an unfair home advantage. it's just the way sports are. nothing is fair when there's a judge because it's subjective rather than objective.

  7. The Japanese will soon create judge robots that are completely unbiased. :-)

  8. the only people who make themselves low is the judges plain and simple..

  9. Nothing is too low for a country that advertise beer and junk food during the Olympics. People are so quick to point the finger, pathetic.

    Edit: "LOL, one of the most hypocritical answers I've seen, good job. Your country should be proud." Please explain your response please. And my country is the United States in case you are wondering.

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