I see so many posts on Olympic judges are corrupted and favoring the Chinese. I just think anyone with half a brain would think that is almost impossible. First of all, the judges are from all over the world and to think they would all "favor" the Chinese is pretty absurd. And when there are bribes going on, usually only 1 or 2 judges are even bribe-able. You dont just got out there and bribe everybody because some of them are not going to do it. Yet all the scores have been very similar and not lopsided so it seems that the scores have been pretty fair in the judges eyes. To say that all these judges have no morals is just unjustified. What do you guys think? And dont say the judges have no experience. Thats just a way to convince ourselves that its not our fault when we lose. I bet if we won with the same judges, no one would complain. I'm sure the judges are much more experience than our tv commentators who keeps complaining about the scores like they are pros. Its like side seat driving. We all think we can do better when we just need to shut up.