
Are we the H omo Sapiens Sapiens peoples?

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the cro-magnons, are we the ho mo sapien sapiens from 40 000 to 10 000 years ago? like do they still exsist today, and are they us right know. do we look different from them, i think they are our ancestors or something, i know we look nothing like the neanderthals, but what about the cro-magnons?




  1. We are all the same, Homo sapiens sapiens (subspecies not generally included).  Homo Neanderthalensis was a different species and the first and second answer indicated they were in our ancestry or species, and both are not generally accepted.  Cro Magnon were Homo sapiens as well.

  2. okayy, humans ARE homo sapiens. thats the scientific name. we evolved over time from cromagnons and neanderthals and such. i dont remember all the fancy names scientists gave every stage of evolution, because i dont really care.

    no one's totally sure as to where we came from. the most common theory is that all species of living beings on earth evolved from one common ancestor.

    as for skin color, that all has to do with climate. people with darker skin developed more pigment to adapt to their environment. darker skin is better protection against the sun.

    if your really interested in this, you can read any kind of biology book and find out the specifics.

  3. YES...

    We are Homo sapiens sapiens (Man, who knows he is wise), as opposed to Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (wise man from Neander Valley/extinct, 25,000 years ago)...

    Cro-Magnon = us!

    Though we cohabited Europe with Neanderthals for 10,000 years, Cro-Magnon did NOT evolve from Neanderthal. C-M migrated from the Black Sea Region/Cacasus Mountains (as in Caucasian) 40,000 years ago, after they had a gentic split with Mongoloid tribes, who would migrate towards eastern Asia, from the Caspian Sea/Kazakhstan area...

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