
Are we the only creatures that can laugh?

by  |  earlier

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without eventually wetting ourselves




  1. No.  Not at all.

    Other creatures can laugh and also have senses of humor.

  2. Ever heard a monkey?

  3. Monkeys can

  4. yes

  5. hyenas and kookaburras come to mind..but I dont think they wet themselves lol

  6. know actually hyenas can laugh to. But that doesn't count for everyone.

  7. i think that we are not...

    but i think it has yet to be discovered other creatures sense of humors :P

  8. monkeys can laugh  

  9. hyenas can..

  10. Nope.

    I know for a fact chimpanzees laugh, I work and play with them every day.

    However, even dogs have been shown scientifically to have a laugh, or a at least a particular frequency noise/breathy pant that occurs during play.

  11. many animal's species can laugh, but they laugh in the way that we can't understand. When some creature have emotion, they can laugh somehow.

  12. Chimpanzees.

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