
Are we the people being fooled by the government?

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I believe that we are being fooled by our own government. I believe that we are eventually gonna be ruled by One, and only one government in the world. The New World Order is slowly taking effect, and we the people have no idea whats going on cuz we are being blinded by everything that goes on on telivision, and so on...

I believe




  1. now the world id following the rich and powerful and it always happened in the history,it is the harsh reality,better accept it if can't change it.

  2. I believe...You watch too much television. lol

  3. Thats very true

  4. And this is news?

  5. Corporations already rule America.  The EU is holding out pretty well but the rest of the world is falling in line too.  Money is king!

  6. Won't happen in my lifetime... and probably not in my kids lifetime.  Eventually we will have to organize under one goverment.  The need is certainly there.

  7. Human Right to own the planet and conserve natural resources for citizens. Human Right to Peace.

    Inside each Constitution  on Earth. problem gone.

  8. people beleive what they want to hear! too sorry...

  9. Yes. Democracy in the US is an illusion. The corporations of the military industrial complex have the real power. That's why there's always enough money to buy bombs but never enough for social needs.

  10. I believe you have it right. And I believe that the World Bank's true task is to end private ownership throughout the world. I believe this sub-prime mortgage scam is an effort to end private ownership here, in the USA. I believe that the New World government will not be communist or capitalist. I believe that it is going to be a feudalistic form of government. It will be like a monarchy. Where the government owns everything and Lords and Ladies are given the use of property (land, production facilities, etc.) in return for services rendered to the state. The rest of us will be surfs. We won't own the shirts on our backs.

  11. you seem to know alot i like that

  12. If its the United Nations... or anything like it....   we're screwed.

  13. Yes, the government has successfully fooled you into buying into wild-eyed conspiracy theories instead of paying attention to important issues.

  14. Government is simply a form maintaining control. Similar to religion. Before there was a form of government religion provided the basis for how we conduct ourselves with each other, in commerce, relationships, community, and everyday decisions. Money is the blood of the world but it gets its power from how much each person values it. The U.S. is going through growing pains as far as our position in the world. We had a monopoly on capitalism because we perfected it, but now the rest of the world has learned more about it, when you enter government it just gives you more options on how to capitalize on how to capitalize on your fellow capitalist. It's about get what you can, anyway you can, and try not to get caught breaking the rules we assumingly all follow.

  15. Wow, you're soooo smart!

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