
Are we (the whole univers that we are in) in a massive black hole, since universe expands with acceleration?

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Are we (the whole univers that we are in) in a massive black hole, since universe expands with acceleration?




  1. No. Black holes are not some sci-fi entity. When a massive star reaches the end stage of its life, it supernovas and collapses under its own gravity.

    Black holes are not mystical nor magical. If it helps you to keep a proper perspective on the nature of a black hole, refer to them with their original names: Black Star or Dark Star.

    The gravitationally collapsed star has crushed the atomic structures down to the quark levels. This can not be compared to our expanding Universe which is creating or stretching space.

  2. Some have theorized that the big bang was the result of a black hole forming in... whatever might be outside our universe (maybe we're a multiverse).  The same theory says that any time a black hole forms, another big bang occurs and a new universe is formed on the other 'side' of that black hole... of course, none of that is anywhere close to being proven, and it's an imperfect theory (technically a hypothesis, but let's not be too obsessed with semantics here).

    However, the person who posted about our universe being closer to a theoretical white hole is absolutely correct.  Who knows, maybe we're on the other 'side' of a black hole, being forced away from the event horizon of our white hole (which would be, following the theory I posted above, be a sort of 'exit' to the black hole that kick started the big bang)?

    Or maybe black holes and white holes have nothing at all to do with the big bang and the expansion of the universe.  I can't pretend I have all the answers needed to fully understand the nature of the universe -- no one has them.

  3. The Universe does not behave as a black hole.  If anything, it behaves as a white hole.  Check this out.

    The visible Universe is that part of the Universe that we can see.  The Universe is expanding, and the farther away from you, the faster bits are moving away.  At the visible edge of the Universe, things are moving away from you at speeds approaching the speed of light.  A little farther away, things move away from you faster than the speed of light. No conflict with General Relativity, since it's space itself that is expanding, carrying things with it.

    So, there's a sort of event horizon, and things can't get back into it - only out.

    Eventually the entire Universe will be a bunch of pockets of stuff that can't see each other.

  4. not really, but everything is slowly being ripped apart.  we dont notice it, but everything around us is ripping apart.

    i heard that the whole universe will accelerate in expansion to the point where it tears apart! cool! but like in 50 Billion  years. then there will be a huge black hole.

  5. If we were in a black hole of any sort, we would not exist because our molecular bonds would not hold toegther. Of course that's all hypothetical.

  6. A black hole is, by the original definition, an object from which nothing can escape, not even light.

    Using that definition, if the universe is finite, then it is a black hole.

    However, what we now call a black hole comes with other features such as an event horizon and a gravitational gradient that increases as one approaches the centre.

    Our universe appears to lack a centre and it is difficult to imagine an event horizon for a 3-D object embedded in higher dimensions  (higher simply refers to the "number" of dimension -- they are not physically "further up" a scale of any sort).

    The mathematical model that describe what (we think) happens inside the event horizon of a black hole are not useful in describing general behavior of the entire universe.

    Therefore, the universe does not appear to meet the modern definition.

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