
Are we this niaeve???

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How many people out there really think that the car company's are really trying or just milking us for all they can??? One car company states 000 E. impact but they use in their after market 16 big bags minimum (8x bigger than nessesary) to package 16 little tiny parts and they should be sued They are lying to us people!!!! All the while trying to put the little man out of business by making it to complicated to work on just to hike prices.. What happened to the chevy sprint 20 plus years ago 44 mpg at 80 mph gee where did that car go ??? THEY quit making it but they still build 12mpg hummers DO YOU THINK?????




  1. Sorry, but they build us what we want.  Check and see how many people bought the sprint.

    The reason cars are so complicated is that they have a computerized system.  This system has been demanded by people and society.  The computers keep your car operating close to stoichiometric point.  

    Go ahead blame chevy, not the people who did not buy the sprint but bought hummers instead!

    The reason why American Car Manufactures are behind on this, American consumers are just starting to care.

  2. Worse than that, the car companies never conspired to deprive anyone of public transportation.  People used to commute by bus or train, but that became unfashionable; apparently it's better to get stuck in traffic for hours at a time each day than to surrender your personal space for 30 minutes.  

    Perhaps some blame can be placed on advertising and the influence of television.  But at least for the last thirty years I haven't noticed that automobile advertising has ever mentioned that a car is a great way to get to work.  They always show someone shopping or camping.  

    The only real way out of the present dilemma is to invest in public transit: I'd vote for electric buses supplied by twin overhead trolleys.  These operate silently over existing roads but don't require diesel fuel and don't create fumes.  New ones will provide coffee and wireless Internet.  Relieved of the daily work commute, we can go back to using cars for purposes that are a lot more fun, and for which they're far better suited.
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