
Are we to blame, all of US, for every death of every person in Iraq?

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The media and pols are mere illusions--to make us feel better about following our grossest instincts with one hand, then drawing back with the other. It's all US, folks, it's all US.




  1. I don't know, Dude. Should every person in Afganistan have 3,000 counts of 1st degree murder against them for 9/11?

  2. Not sensible, you can blame it all  on the guy at  the top.

  3. Yes! We elected corrupt officials who only have greed in their eyes no moral values for life!This is what America has become.A thought less nation,Directed by thought less people! Change is needed! And you know its not McCain!

    Join the movement its stronger than ever.Never to late for "Change".

    Obama 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory President!

  4. No, we all are not to blame.  Here are some reasons:

    -Every American didn't vote for the Commander In Chief that declared the war.

    -Although everyone is expected to pay taxes, American citizens are not responsible for how tax dollars are used after we pay them.

    -Most people never agreed to the commission of the War on Iraq nor believe that every person in Iraq deserves death or punishment for the 9/11 attacks.

    -Just as in all other situations, it is wrong to blame those who didn't commit the crime or provoke the wrongdoing of others.

    -If many in this country do not feel remorseful for the slavery, oppression and racism that has happened in America (mainly because everyone claims they were only descended from immigrants), why must we feel any about deaths in another country?

  5. no what if someone dies bc they fell into a cave and cracked their skull thats not our fault thats their fault for not watching where they walk

  6. no.....just the Bush administration for lying their way into a war that has nothing to do with our security and everything to do with oil

  7. I use to laugh at conspiracy theories until i watched a documentary called Zeitgeist. I recommend it. Since then, i have watched several documentaries about 9/11 and the bombings in uk. I have to say there is something to these theories ppl keep spouting off about.

  8. You can't blame me.  I didn't vote for Bush.

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