
Are we too lenient with binge drinking these days?

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Whenever a "Sleb" like Jordan or Charlotte Church is pictured in the press falling out of a nightclub, pished off their face, people will rally to their aid arguing "Oh leave them alone, they're just having a good time"

Personally (although I'm teetotal so what would I know hey?) I think its really trashy and unladylike to behave like that and they just set a really bad example to young girls who look up to them.

Why has it become "acceptable" for women to act like this? I don't get why some women think that the freedom to act like this is somehow "liberating".




  1. Actually it's not acceptable.If it were it wouldn't be newsworthy surely?

  2. it's not a new phenomenon but just gets in the news more now because it sells papers, at least in the case of these so called celebs.  I have found myself having drunk more than i ought and no perhaps to some that wasn't nice, but it is my choice whatever one thinks about it.

  3. yep we are the kids see all this in mags and think its the way to be, sad really,

  4. well when i was in my teens, i used to get so pissed off my face i used to be sick or do mad things. funny though there was no one in the tabloids that i can think of that i remember doing it then. its what teens do. people in the papers never influenced me, i never thought, well if she can do it then so can i.

    we all go through phases of drinking lots, its what happens, its the excitement of it all when your young. not what you see in the papers. in fact for me now, i hardly ever drink at all, and never get drunk anymore. i have grown up.

    if people are going to be alcoholics its because they have an addictive personality and when they drink they will become hooked. whether jordan is lying pissed on a floor with her b***s out and charlotte church is fighting in a pub while drunk, will not change anything!!!!!!!

    we are what we are!!!! the people in the press are just the same as your 16year old sister in laws mates going out and getting pissed and setting a bad example!!!!

    if you had an aunt and your dad who were alcoholics maybe you should look closer to home for the causes and make sure she doesnt take after your family!!!! rather than bitching about the celebritys they are just like normal people in every bar in every town!! only they are unfortunate enough to have their pictures plastered all over the media world!!!!

    you go into every pub you can think of and you will see the same thing.

    BUT.......i dont agree with binge drinking, and would never condone it for anyone. i just think people are too quick to point the finger of blame!!!

  5. Since the end of Prohibition, there's not much you can do about it.

  6. I agree although the same applies to men here.

    But what do we expect kids to want to emulate when we promote trash like Big Brother?

  7. I agree with a previous poster - isn't it hypocritical when men are praised for their heavy drinking?  Harry Wales and his frequenting of nightclubs comes to mind.

    It's probably because we haven't got used to the new extended drinking laws as yet - it'll take a very long time before we have the same attitude to alcohol as Meditteranean Europe.

  8. Yes we are.  Far too lenient.  It used to be against the law to be "drunk and disorderly" and I'd like to see more people arrested for that.

    My father was a binge drinker and was an alcoholic before he was 21.  Our lives were made a misery by his drinking.

    I don't believe that the gender of the drunk makes any difference.  In these days of equality, women want to emulate men.  

    I don't care about "ladylike" but I do care about the lives their children will lead if the drinking gets out of hand.

  9. Like so many things people cannot do anything in moderation.

    People do not seem to have self control as they know someone will always bail them out.

  10. I think you are exaggerating. Both of them gave up doing that when they had kids. Have you seen a photo of Jordan falling out of a nightclub in the last five years. Before she had Harvey it was often seen but  since then maybe once or twice.

    Edit - Ok I concede that but Jordan has said these photos were taken on her first night out in about 18 months. Leave her alone x*x

    Edit again - These celebrities are human beings. They have pressures and are under constant scrutiny everyday from people who will criticise at every opportunity. She is not perfect, and admits to having been a partygirl, and nor are you. People should stop hounding them.

    Teach your sister in law to have role models outside the celebrity framework because most have addiction problems anyways.

  11. The problem is not them its us.

    Your looking in the wrong direction for moral guidance,

    Check the mirror and when the image is perfect, you'll notice others are not so worrisome anymore

  12. It's just people's tendency to gossip about celebrities in general. At least it's still socially acceptable for men to binge drink.

  13. I never understand why women/girls want to drink so much they throw up - they must spend hours getting ready to go out and then end up with their heads in a gutter - very strange.  I think its the 'ladette' culture, anything boys can do we can do etc, the not so pretty side of feminism.  Back when I was out and about on a Friday and Saturday night I couldn't afford to get that pished.

  14. why shouldn't we be able to have a drink and a good time, binge drinking has always gone on it's just now that its in the press alot with celeb's that people are noticing more! they call it binge drinking if you drink more than two pints or two glasses of wine. Why do you think its not acceptable for women to have a drink or two surley its better than the fast growing culture of drugs.

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