
Are we truly free as long as someone else is the one defending that freedom?

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Lately I have felt that the very ideal of modern society is so flawed and fake that we would be better off living in anarchy. For those of you that don't know anarchy is not violence it simply means no government. I'm not free I have to listen to a bunch of people I've never met and most likely never will. Please google anarchy and look a few of the sites these people are not crazy and they don't want the end of the world they want locals coming together in a non government community, to live peaceful lives with out people telling them what to do. What do you guys think about anarchy as an idea?




  1. I think you are confusing anarchy with communism.  See pure and corrupt communist theories and historical applications.  That should answer your question.  And if not, go take any leadership or managment position; people need to be guided.

  2. Anarchy is a great idea right up until it isn't.  By far the best model is the limited government model designed by the Founding Fathers of the United States.  It is not based on Anarchy.  It is based on the assumption that among good, God fearing people, people of high moral character, there should only be as much government as absolutely necessary.  They also realized, if you read their writings, that for people of low or no character or of little or no fear of God, the system is totally inadequate.  Such people cannot live in liberty.


  3. Anarchy is a good idea.

    For instance, The islamic terrorist hate us because we are free, Right?  So they attack our buildings and our government takes more of our freedom away (patriot act).

    Who is worse?  The terrorists or our own government?  Anarchy is A solution to this problem..

    Adults need no government, the free market can do anything a government can do and do it much moire efficiently and cost effectively.

  4. There is only a limited amount of land on the planet. Of the available property, the U.S.A. is considered Park Place and Boardwalk combined. Climate, resources, terrain, and coastal property, this is it hands down. now..Riddle me this Batman... If we lived in a no rules, non-unified society, how long do you think we would be able to hold on to the gem? Even before being taken over by another country, your life would be ran by organized crime. The old saying holds true "you don't know what you got till it's gone".

    Here is one truth I hold to be self evident. The founding fathers were a heck of a lot smarter than I will ever be. I'm good with what they came up with : )

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