
Are we ultimately responsible for our own lives OR is it the Philippine government's responsibility?

by Guest56378  |  earlier

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  1. i totally agree with Fibro,we do have the same point of view.

    as a person,of course we are responsible for ourselves like we look after ourselves so as not to get burnt when cooking or not to be hit while crossing the streets. that's a simple analysis.'s the but.( taking it to a higher level..) what if i did almost everything i could. i took good care of myself,i went to school and graduated with flying colors from the best university. all is well i thought.

    then came the time for me to apply for a job inorder for me to support myself and the nation as well. being a responsible citizen, i will work so as not become a liability for the government.

    what happens next,not much jobs could accommodate all the graduates. i know you would say there are jobs out there. yes there are but is it a job suitable for your course?or you would only become underemployed? is it a full-time job or just a contractual job being offered to appease the people.

    another situation,the indigenous people of Cordillera worked hard to till their lands. that is from sun up to sun down.

    a land which have passed on to them by their forefathers. they took good care of that land-it was their life. their source of livelihood. they were responsible enough to look after it.

    but what did the government do,here they come implementing the CARP which would say that those lands are considered as government owned,or to become tourists spots.  

    another would be,let's say Juan, a little boy wants to finish school. the problem is, they don't have enough cash for his tuition,his mom and dad are both peasants, they don't own any piece of land so they work for a landlord. the landlord gives them only P120 a day.

    what should Juan do? he has the option to look for the cheapest school.the only schools which offer low tution are the public ones, but how could he enter into the nearest public school if its limited only to a few students. lack of teachers,lack of rooms,books,etc are jsut few of the reasons why they could not accomodate much students.

    i have more if you want.

    as to your question on what did i do about it. i become an advocate for the rights of the people - from the youth sector up to the peasants. up to now,i am still very active.

  2. One of the key problems all over the place in Filipino society is that a large portion of people blame others (government, other countries, etc.) for their situation instead of doinf something about it.

    They also rely on others (government, relative who is OFW, etc.) to solve their problems.

    Self perpetuating.

  3. Finally I've been trying to tell the Filipino people this for a long time. Yes, the government is to blame for some but not all. It's the Filipino people that can make the change. Why would you let the government do the things they've done to your country. LEADERSHIP REFLECTS  THE PHILIPPINES AND IT'S PEOPLE. The people disagree with the government but they keep blaming them. Get off your butt and get some balls and do something about it. You don't want us to insult your country because of true facts(POOR, FILTHY, CORRUPT). Then do something about it with your government. Trying to reciprocate back to the negativity towards the people who insult your country doesn't do you any good(!!!BTW for the people who have something to say to me you need to email me and we can take it outside of Yahoo answers so nobody violates the guidelines!!!). Their going to keep doing it until your country's government changes. I hear all this talk about oh ya the election, well DO SOMETHING!

  4. As adults, we should be responsible for what goes on in our lives and in our environment.  What we make of it rests in each of us; actions, decisions, judgments, well-being not only for our own self but for others as well.  We blame the government only to some extent and these are what we call outside factors we have no control of like graft and corruption, cheating at the polls and malversation of public funds.

    To stress a point here, I would make flood as an example.  Some streets get flooded during heavy rains.  There are sufficient manholes through which the water can fall through; however, in most cases water cannot even reach the manholes because along the way it is blocked by all sorts of debris...plastics, straws, bbq sticks and whatnots.  If we deem ourselves responsible, we would think first of the aftermath of our actions (like throwing garbage in the street) and its effect on the community.

    Well, there are so many instances when we do not sometimes think of the impact our deeds can do.  And this has nothing to do with government.  You cannot just put the blame entirely on the government.  Each of us has to contribute something that would help our community, little acts of thoughtfulness could mean a lot.


  6. let's site one example:

    you're an engineer, let's say top of your class. you and you're family have done your job to get you thru your education. sum it up, you did what you have to do. you take the responsibilty all the way thru.

    now you need a job, to use whatever skills you have, and you're ready to face any interviews and tests to get that job. the future looks bright....

    there's no vacancy, you don't have any person of influence to back you up, too much politics.

    you decided to start a business, you got a letter from the mayor, from the councils, and it means a lot of money. a competition tells you to start your business elsewhere or else.

    you dont mind to start from scratch.

    but the thing is, the system of governance makes it too difficult( or impossible) for you to start. the society is so corrupt. there are laws and there is the government to impose these laws to prevent this situation. why is it still like this?

    out of all these, can you blame your own self?

  7. I believe that each person is ultimately responsible for their own life. I mean certain things will contribute to wether your life will be good or bad one but how you go about your life is up to you. People there can blame the government and I have no doubt that they are part to blame for alot of problems but I also think the bad part of filipino attitude to certain things is what is also contributing to the countries problems. For example filipino's will always try to find someone to blame for their problems so that way in their mind their own bad situation is justified because it must be someone elses fault.

    That in turn makes them do little to improve their own situation in many ways so no progress is made on their behalf. The smart ones work their behinds of to make something out of themselves and rise above the problems. Some also crash and burn and end up as nothing which is sad. So what can people in the Philippines do to make the situation better for everyone? Not a whole d**n lot because they have been trying for god know's how long and the multiple problems such as a corrupt government, a controlling church, foreign investment that steals the wealth of the country and to add to that the uneducated masses of people that have no choice but to live lives that have been shaped by the repeating past. Its a sad situation but I honestly think the philippines will be relatively the same for another few decades and the only thing keeping it alive is the fact that both foreigners and OFW's are putting and taking money to and from the Philippines.

  8. As the saying goes, "I am the Captain of my Ship...."

    So, I take personal responsibility for my quality of Life....and that includes either choosing what kind of government I would like to live in (i.e. emigrating) OR choosing what kind of government will represent me (i.e. voting).

  9. i take full responsibility

    --for my life--




    if the government is corrupt

    i allowed it

    by not making a change

    if it is not running

    the way

    it should

    i disagree with them/it

    --i should do something--

    to make it the way i feel it should be


    saying that

    ea person shoulders this responsibility

    --my life my choices--

    no regrets to date

    i have done what could be

    or that i felt

    was affecting my realm

    awesome question

    thank you for asking


    the government is as a puzzle the pieces the people

    all are needed

    voices actions in-actions

    each voice as equal

    as the next

    so their feelings views as you have eloquently put

    should be respected as well


    i am responsible for my life

    you for yours

    but if i do not see yours

    and you do not see mine

    and neither work for the best answer to both

    you are (as government puzzle piece)

    you shoulder some small part in

    "stepping on my toes"

    i can not blame you

    --since it was either my inaction, reaction, action--

    that initiated

    --or added to--

    my own pains

  10. Technically we are in charge of our lives. However, the government is partly responsible in keeping its citizen safe and would enjoy most of the country's resources.

    But what is happening now...there are very limited people who are enjoying its resources. Limited in a sense that...its just those that are in power are savoring it instead of spreading it out to the rest.  

  11. why not blame the corrupt government?

    accountability is the key

    i'm accountable for the decisions i've made in my lifetime

    is our government accountable for its actions and decisions?

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