
Are we up to the "challenge"?

by  |  earlier

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It's so easy to negatively label and lambaste the "other" party. Can we admit to a negative - that's relevant! - within our own political leanings?

What aren't you pleased with?

I'll go first - Obama's speech covered too much ground; too many things he'll make better. For me, it became a shopping list and lost its sincerity.




  1. I have been an active Democrat all my life. I have always been open to different ideas and have found many third parties that I agree with. Unfortunately, I have never found much common ground with the GOP. I live in a predominately Republican area and have many friends and acquaintances who  are Republican. We always have interesting and civil discussions on the issues. but The Democratic Party is still closer to my mindset.  

  2. I would love to answer this question, as i am Democratic but i always vote Republican. So i could give the negatives of both sides. (and some positives)

    Imagine that. *thinks*

    But as i mentioned, i feel dumb when i answer political questions.... so erm .....


  3. Not for me! I was sad when every single speech at the DNC ended. And I'm hungry for more!

  4. Exactly, insincerity.  That pretty much describes the democratic party.

    Ok, sorry, I'll go next...umm...negative...negative...think negative...OH, I got it!!

    Obama is a racist!!!   Yeah...that's it!!

    Oh meant a negative about MY party, right?  Sorry...umm...negative...negative...ummm

    This is too painful...sorry...can't do it.

  5. Obama is a very effective orator as long as he has a chance to prepare and his teleprompter doesn't fail him but he is saying whatever he thinks people want to hear to garner their votes. Even if he is elected, he won't do anything but raise taxes and wreck what little good remains of our economy and way of life.

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