
Are we using Iran "Making of Nukes"a reason to invade them for oil?

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too the fool that says I'm ANTI-AMERICAN you get a clue. I was in the Marine Corps. I served 8 YEARS! so before you belittle me for askin a question that everyone is wondering. You need to go walk off a bridge.




  1. Of course we are, and like everything else in the middle east, if we spent even half of what we spent over there on renewable energy sources here we'd no longer give a ^&#( about their oil and hey, maybe even not have our soldiers blown apart everyday by IED's. But hey, what do I know, I'm a nobody, Bush and his cronies know what they're doing right??

  2. Sound like another rocket scientist question.

    Sure we are, just like we used Iraq. That is why we have so much extra oil now at ten cents a gallon.

    That's about as likely as Iran invading us for our wheat.

    You need to learn about the dynamics of the middle east and quit following the Big Foot, Crop Circles, and "the oil companies paid the guy off to keep quiet about his invention to turn water into gasoline", conspiracy theories.

    They are making nukes to blow up people, not to heat winter cottages when they are sitting on pools of oil they can get to for pennies.

    I'm sure you also think that Michael Jackson was making a Disneyland at his home not to attract children but because he just really liked toys.

    Naivety will get us killed.

    Simply apply "common sense." You know, like you do when it is raining outside and it might cross your mind that you may get wet walking outside.


    Yeah, I'm picking on you Ed, but looking at your questions and your situation, I think you should join the military and have more confidence that the USA is doing what is right.

    Just like most liberals want to paint conservatives as war mongers, most conservatives want to paint liberals as sissies. Most devious countries want to paint the USA as devious and the liberals will jump on the wagon every time. This is the one country that has done the right thing all down through history. Not perfect, but more perfect than the rest.

    The military will allow you to grow outside your naivety and become more worldly which is what you are looking for and need.

  3. That is just about the dumbest question I have ever seen asked here.

    Get a clue.

  4. No, we are not.

  5. Gee, that sounds like the same gibberish that is used by the anti US, I-Raq supporting, terrorist support groups who bemoan the dislodging of the 21st Century Hitler.

    How much Extra Oil is the US getting from Iraq?...I Don't see any Benny....

    Or as the famous line goes in THE MUMMY...."We have all the Horses." "Hey Benny, Your on the WRONG side of the RIVER."

    So Have fun Benny...

  6. David said it best!

  7. Certainly.  It worked for Iraq.

  8. For now it's just grounds to put it out there that Iran might be a problem. Iran says there nuclear program is for peacful engergy purposes only. But, I doubt that. If they threaten to use weapons like that, esp. on isreal, then we would probably invade them unfortunately. I think at least one big reason behind it would be oil. But, of course the gov't would never say that. We need to get away from OPEC oil and get our own renewable energy going riite here. anyway, Thats hard to say whether or not we should if indeed nukes are a threat, but unfortuately, I dont think major problems with Iran are that far off. But, you never know, just look at north korea now and say 5 yeras ago; big change.

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