
Are we way too young .!?!?

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kay so I'm 15 and pregnant. ya I get that we should have been safer. but honestly I dont regret anything I've done with this boy. ya we were both really really young when we started having s*x but we have been together for just a little bit over two years. and tonight when he came over he said we were gunna go to his house cause he had asuprise for me. when we got he had put flowers and everything out and he actually got down on one knee and asked me to marry him he had ring and everything. I told him I would have to think aboout it. then I explained to him I was pregnant. are we too young to get married and raise a child? some advice would be great




  1. Well, lets see.. Will you financially be able to support the baby and eachother?? And I don't mean running to mummy and daddy for money. That's actually all you need to answer. I'm guessing it's a no!.. At 15, your brain is nowhere near done developing and having a child especially requires the mature mind needed to make responsible, grown up decisions.. I don't think getting married right away would be wise.

  2. He asked you to marry him BEFORE he knew you were pregnant?

    WOW... he is a keeper. If you love him then go ahead!!!! Age is in the mind, if you feel ready to be married and have the child then go ahead. There have been younger then you who have had children and be great parents and older then you who have been sucky parents. You'll need your parents approval to actually be married but maybe get engaged now and then wait for you both to be 18 and then get married.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. I think you should wait on marriage.  Having a baby is EXTREMELY hard.  Financially and emotionally.  Its not like having a puppy.  Whats done is done though.  You two should wait and see how you get along after the baby is here before you get married and base your decision on that.  Although a new baby is wondeful, it can also put strain on a relationship.  Im not saying he'll do this but 9 times out of 10, he'll see that hes missing out on his teen years and want to go out and have fun, and leave you with all the responsability.  Please think before you act and seek some counsling that can help you with your decision.

  4. I have looked through your previous posts and judging by this question you asked i think your very silly bring the thumbs down on you both sound very immature and you were only asking a few hours ago if you were pregnant now your saying you are

    This question states all he wants is s*x ...well think about it doomed to fail !

  5. Honestly, it's hard to say. I think there are some 15 year olds who are more mature than some adults. If he proposed to you with a ring before he knew you were pregnant, I'd say that he cares about you very much.

    I'd say he should definitely get a job if he can, that way both his and your parents will see he is trying to help out. I hope your parents are supportive, they should help you out with taking care of the baby.

    But my biggest piece of advice is both of you should stay in school! I really can't stress that enough. You won't be able to support the baby at all if you drop out. Taking online classes would probably be best since you could work while the baby is asleep or if your parents are watching him/her.

    I wish you the best of luck and that this will all work out for you :)

  6. If you are alrady pregnant then i think it is the right thing to get married.  People say that children can not raise children but ill tell you what, when ou have that child regaurdless of what age you are you will automatically become a mother.  You will know what to do and you will know how to riase them.  i have my duaghter right after my 18th birthday and i was still in high school.  I graduated high school and now i am off to college for nursing.  My daughters father and i live on our own and we make it work.  When you have a child you grow up, no matter what age you are!  

  7. Take it from me.  I got engaged at 16...and I was smart enough to WAIT til I was at least 18 to get married...needless to say I was 20 years old when I got pregnant, and after being together 4 years and actually getting married in 4 months, my fiance left me when I got pregnant.  So I wouldn't consider this guy asking you to marry him being as serious until the day he says I do.  You are definitely too young to be married.  You are too young to be a mother, but yeah its too late for that.  Being together for 2 years is not long at all....girls are so gullible these days.

  8. yes you are but that shouldn't stop you. If you know that you too will work out and that you want to spend the rest of your lives together go for it...

    you and him are really the only ones who can make that decision and by the looks of it his ready..but be careful raising a child is expensive you too will have to work...just make sure your 110% sure about it.

    good luck

  9. yes you really need to watch " the secret life of a teenager" on ABC family.

    i would say wait. you are young and thinks change in a few years. don't let him safe you. make the baby you first choice( do you plan to keep it of give it up for adoption). and education so you can take care of the baby ( if you decide to keep it)

    here this site will help you:

  10. At your age, this is really a talk you should be having with your parents.

    They'd be the ones throwing the wedding, and financially supporting you guys. If you have a really conservative family, they might really want you to get married. I don't know.

    For the most part, I would be worrying more about the baby right now and thinking about a wedding after your life gets a little less hectic.  

  11. You're too young to have a baby, but that is going to happen whether you like it or not.

    You are wayyy to young to get married! Your parents would not let you and almost all marriages of teens don't work out! Just stay together if you want, but don't marry him! See if it works out in a couple of years, and if it does, then you can marry him, but not when you are 15!!

  12. You answered your own question. 'ya we were both really young'. You're still really young. It seems romantic and sweet now but A - good luck getting your parents to consent to you getting married, and 2 - it wont be so romantic when you have a screaming baby to take care of 24/7. This is why teenagers shouldnt have s*x.

  13. let me see????

    Your not eligible for benefits at your age.

    your eligible to buy/rent or get a council house or flat at your age

    your not old enough to get married

    you too young to get a full time job

    your a child

    so in all YES i would say HONestly you ARE TOO YOUNG!!

    you don't quite understand do you?

    getting up every half hour in the night to breastfeed a baby,

    never having the time to go out,

    loosing all our friends.

    I'v been with my partner for 7 years we are 21 and we have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter together (unplanned) we work all the hours god sends and rarely go out, its HARD HARD work.

    There have been times when iv cried so much my eyes were swollen for days.

    i love my little family they are my world. But if i had of had them later on perhaps at 25 then i would have enjoyed the experience so much more.

    Think about it if your child gets pregnant at 15 you'll be a granny at 30 or heaven forbid she gets pregnant at 13 you'll be a granny at 28!! not very s**y eh!.

    ps welcome to the world of stretchmarks, saggy belly and exhaustian.

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