
Are we winning in the war against terrorism?

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Have the last 7 years damaged AlQaida and other terrorist networks, or the United States more? Give your honest opinion.




  1. I think Bush has done a pretty good job, i mean i haven't been bombed by a terrorist in a while, have you? There is no doubt in my mind that our actions lead to us not having any more attacks in this country, plus i know for a fact we've taken out many assets to the terrorists and they are far less organized now and a smaller threat than they once were.

  2. The us isn't trying to win the war on terror. I know it sounds like bs but do some research on secret societies and the government.

    if they wanted to win the war, it would already be over.

  3. Of course we are winning the war on terrorism.

    If the terrorists had the means, they'd attack the U.S. again, but they have figuratively been "hobbled" (what the Kathy Bates character did to James Caan in "Misery".... ouch!)

    The terrorists have seen their funding dry up, all their mobile phone calls will be intercepted, they can't meet in large groups, they can't plan for anything major.  They have been reduced to pathetic "hit and run" tactics of blowing up buses... kiddie stuff compared to the grandiose plans they once had.

    Once the Palestinians get their own State (and GWB is pushing hard for this), one major recruitment tool for new terrorists will be denied to them.  The terrorists are being thwarted nearly at every turn.  Obviously, we have severely curtailed their dreams of disrupting the West, and bringing us to our knees.

  4. We are winning against terrorists, but in the process we are neglecting our own country, as thousands of people are homeless, hungry, jobless, healthcare-less, but we have no money to help them because we spent it all on the war.

  5. " Are we winning the war on terrorism ?"

    Before the invasion America average one terrorist attack per month someplace in the world.....many innocent women and children were killed each month

    Since the invasion there has not been one terrorist attack against an America target anyplace in the world for over SEVEN YEARS

    Not only that but many of our old "enemies" are now cooperating with us. We now lead the largest coalition of free nations ever in the history of the world.

    I would say that is winning

    ....and all those domestic problems that are cried about in previous posts.... before the war, Washington DC had NINE years to do something.....they did NOTHING.....what makes you think the end of the war will make a difference?  You can not blame the war for problems that existed BEFORE the war and nobody solved them

    STEVE.... How can you get to be a "Top Contributer" and be so wrong on so many things ??

    FIRST....Iraq has nothing to do with 911.... it is NOT revenge for the attack....

    SECOND ....There have been no attacks by terrorists on an American target anywhere in the world in seven years.....and those other attacks you mentioned....were done by "Al Quida Wannabe's" ....NOT Al Quida.....the terrorists did not even have communications with Al Quida.... OBL has been castrated tactically.....he had to borrow money from Sadam

    OBL has not mounted a single terrorist attack anywhere

    THIRD "Other nations have had to distance themselves from the US".... where did you get that c**p.... we lead the largest coalition of free nations in the history of the world.... we have no enemies that were not enemies BEFORE the invasion....and several old enemies have come to our side

    FINALLY The detainees BY INTERNATIONAL LAW could have been executed on the battlefield LEGALLY.....they had no right to the Geneva Convention (try reading it ) ......the fact that we did not kill them is a tribute to our sense of humanity .....AND the detainees have no right to Habeus Corpus..... they are NOT U.S. citizens.....In WW II we  held over 300 German prisoners for the entire war without habeus corpus.....  so your ascertion that we violated or legal and moral responsibilities is c**p

    EDIT.....STORM..... Where do you get your information? All current data indicates you are wrong.....FIRST....the terrorists have had considerable trouble country resources have dried up.... increasingly terrorists have had to go out of country to recruit members....they have gone as far away as Algeria and Morrocco

    SECOND Terrorists have had to conscript women and the mentally retarded..... often they have a second person with remote detonator because the new recruits often change their mind

    Your attempt to portray this as a never ending cycle is not supported by the facts

  6. It's damaged our civilians minds. I have never seen troops this disrespected before and it makes me sick. The war on terrorism can't be stopped these terrorist do this from their faith and it's never going to end, we just have to keep it away from us. We have damaged their terrorist networks and are still going at it. We are still taking out "big" names though. The war against terror (Afghanistan) is okay and not hurting us nor our image however Iraqi Freedom is damaging America's image, economy, and strength. Although it's doing this it had to happen sometime Iraq was getting out of control that's something people don't grasp.

  7. That is a brilliant question.

    More Americans have died in Iraq than on 9/11. More Americans have died in Iraq than on 9/11. Has that sunk in?: More Americans have died in Iraq than on 9/11.

    Al Qaeda has managed attacks against the US and our allies in Bali, Madrid, London, and Africa since 9/11. It toppled the government of Spain, and arguably, fatigued a nation into a change of leadership in Great Britain. Al Qaeda has managed to gain enough mainstream acceptance in Pakistan that it is, apparently, impossible for us to negotiate a "go get 'em" plan with the Pakistani government.

    Bottom line: on 9/10/2001, the ideas of Al Qaeda were radical fringe ideas, discredited by every Muslim government. Now those governments have been forced to distance themselves from the US and offer at least tacit acceptance of Al Qaeda's organization and beliefs.

    On top of all of that, we have sacrificed our principles about treatment of prisoners, about civil liberties including habeus corpus. We can't get to our gates wearing our shoes anymore, for pete's sake.

    I think OBL is in his cave, taunting and laughing at us.

  8. Both.  

    We have put so much money into this war and broken so much equipment.  The cost of downsizing the military and paying for this equipment is going to be a HUGE bill!

    We also have taken years out of the Terrorist networks.  They no longer have funding, weapons, ammo, people, networks, etc.  

    There is plenty that we do not know that is going behind the scenes, and in the end, we have to trust that they are looking out in our best interest!  Hopefully terrorism will stay NIMBY for awhile (Not in my back yard).

  9. never..r u kidding me..its u even know how many terrorist groups exist  

  10. Yes.  Seems like every 25 years another threat comes along that looks insurmountable, and then...gone.

    I worry more about the fact that this threat significantly eroded our personal liberties.  We broke faith with the Geneva Accords regarding torture.  We agreed to let our government perform unconstitutional surveillance with the Patriot Act.

    Those might seem like small things now, but those kinda small things are what start the ball rolling.  Just like the innocent little RICO act, originally formed to break up the Mafia, now being used in totally unrelated cases.

  11. We are losing 1 dies 10 more pop up.  1 High Ranking Terrorist dies 5 show up.  How many number 2 terrorists are there????  We are losing, let's concentrate on the new terror of the Russian Bear which just got out of hibernation.

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