
Are we wrong ? Are the taliban right ? Do women long for "real men" ? After all women who ?

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do not clean or cook and are in need of anti depressants are unheard of in afghanistan. They seem all to perform all their wifely and motherly duties. The same cant be said for the west. Whatever they do with their wifes seems to be working. Could it be that we are wrong ?




  1. I understand your point of view.  Honestly It is more officiant.  That doesn't mean it is good.  You could easily say that of Hitler.  Fear is a great motivation but it should never be used.    

  2. Well, considering that many women in Afghanistan are taking it upon themselves to fight for the right to get an education,  and are questioning the Patriarchal culture, I would say it's not working as well as you might think.

    And I think our system is far less "broken" than you seem to think it is. But if you detest "Western ways" so much, then perhaps you should remedy that by going and living in Afghanistan, and joining the Taliban, no?

    What, BTW, is a "wifely" duty?

  3. I can only think that you're either a muslim in disguise or that your perception has become so skewed by your hatred of feminism that you are willing to entertain a clapped-out notion of woman-slave, happy with a world no bigger than the kitchen and pantry, as something worthy to strive for,

    I prescribe a cold shower followed by a long holiday in the Middle East to wake you up.

  4. Really? When exactly do these taliban animals have time to be a woman, a wife and a mother? These people's only goal in life is to destroy your world, and they will be bombing you and killing themselves in the process until they achieve their dreams. Is that your personal sweet ideal of a wife? If that is so, do take your medication.

  5. Cassius you know I never answer to you questions for a reason.

    BUT this question deals with humanitarian issues.

    I can't believe that you even posted it!!

    Therefore, I think you are a Muslim. Perhaps a Turk living in Germany?

    And no I don't say this as racism, as my late mother's husband was a Turk..but a Jew.

    My recommendation, PLEASE read this book. It is one point of view, but I think you have to read it!

    " The Caged Virgin" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

  6. Those women are miserable. If they lose their husbands to fighting or are abandoned, they are reduced to begging on the streets. That's all they can do because they can't hold jobs. They have no chance of finding another husband because they aren't virgins. The women may not be taking anti-depressants but suicide is common in that part of the world.

  7. There must be something in it; however, I don't think its because of the taliban, those guys were pushy and foolish at best. Being a wife and mother is the most respectful position that a woman could ever hold; just so as long as she is capable, not all women are, nor are they meant to be capable.  From what I understand the less you complain the better things seem to be; it's like even though you are experiencing problems; some one else is going through even worse problems. .

  8. I've never heard such retarded logic. Not all women who don't cook and clean are in need of anti-depressants. Just the same as many women who are forced to only cook and clean desperately need anti-depressants. These women aren't ALLOWED to be unhappy. I'm sure some of them are content with their lives. But for the most part, I highly doubt women who are treated worse than their husbands dogs are happy with their situation.

    With your logic its amazing you're still breathing!

  9. How do you know? How many of those women have ever said anything about the state of their own happiness? After all, Western women were silent about it for a long time, and everybody thought they were happy. Then look what happened. A person can never be happy when they are not living the way they want; it's unrealistic to suggest that no woman in Afghanistan feels this way.

    As for "real men," all non-fictional men are "real," including (especially) the ones who don't complain when their wives work.

  10. Are you ok? Are you Serious ????The life style they have there we could not survive a day in coming from America , Do you know if you are not a virgin on your wedding night your husband that you married because you had to and not because you loved has the right to kill you ? I'm also not saying that all of their marriages are horrible because i am the product of people from the middle east , my mother ran away, and i have family that are still there that are truly happy and don't need anti depressants to get through their day's . I think americans use those kinda things because they are accepted and allowed &  encouraged  by our society to take a drug to feel better ... cant really speak on that subject anymore because i don't have those problems nor will i ever . People just need to grow up and get happy ! :o) all im trying to say is the grass isnt always greenier on the other side and i can speak because of i know of both

  11. The women in the Middle East aren't neccessarily happy with the duties and don't really have the opportunity to complain. They want more for themselves but don't have the platform or ability to demand such a thing. And anti-depressants probably aren't an option for them.

    And it's not just Western women who are at fault in terms of complaining when there isn't much to complain about. I think Americans in general have become whiners. Most want everything and want to work for nothing. They want everything handed to them and some even complain or abuse that privilege. It's actually pretty sad how much we ignore how good we have it here. Men and women alike.

  12. Do you think they are happy over there? If you believe that the taliban are good examples on how a society should work then you are more sick than I first thought.

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