
Are we wrong to expect a social state to look after our every need, or is it our right as a citizen?

by Guest59135  |  earlier

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Are we wrong to expect a social state to look after our every need, or is it our right as a citizen?




  1. You are wrong in the sense that it isnt possible.

  2. I'd say we're wrong. It certainly doesn't seem fair that some "needs" are large agendas whereas other aren't.

    Why do I have to pay for my own food? Why do I have to pay for my own beer? Why do I have to pay for my own hookers?

    It just isn't right.

  3. Of course you are wrong. First, we have responsibilities, then only when in genuine need, should the State help us. But only insofar as we need it, and so long as we need it.

  4. yes and no - we pay taxes and therefore have the right to some free stuff however junkies get everything for nothing - in fact we are practically funding their manky habit.

    asylum seekers, if they are contributing to our economy should get some free stuff as well - if not they can beat it!

  5. the state is created for your needs, you are the state's creator; As long as your "needs" dont overlap the needs of other citizen, it is your duty to demand them.

  6. I believe that the greatness of a state is based, in large part, on how it treats the least among them.  

    In the modern world, among industrialized nations, no person should die or have thier life seriously impaired by state negligence.  This must include food, shelter, health care and other basic necessities of life.

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