
Are what they say about your starsign true??

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Since i can remember people have been talking about their starsigns and the meaning. They say each person is unique yet they say that all Libra's are like this and all scorpio's are like that. Do you realy belive in that? All the Libra's on earth cant have a great day when our sign says we wil have a great day. Do you think this is for real? Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesnt. And why is all the websites and books' readings not the same???




  1. Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.

    Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.

    Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.

    Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.

    Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.

    Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true

    Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

    Love & Blessings


  2. look it's just General BS... to make you feel good more often than not.

    If I said people born under the sign of the goat liked the smell of their own f**t. alot of people could relate to that statement BUT is does Not Mean anything... unless you buy into it somehow, then is making money out of nothing.

    Look, it is ok to put a horoscope poster on your wall & even tattoo your sign on your butt if you want.... just try to not fall into it so far to the point that it is consuming & not fun

  3. Starsigns disclose some common characters of the sign which may apply or may not however specific charts of each person differ and specify deeply for each one. Hence for specific character go for your chart as per date of birth, place and time.

  4. I wouldn't take it for fact. It's kind of just up to you as an individual to decide. Asking someone that has a completely different view on life isn't going to help, you do your own research, and decide for yourself wether or not you believe in Astrology. Don't just rely on other people to form your opinions.

  5. no it is all rubbish made up rubbish.

  6. horoscopes are not always true. if you read you horoscope and it said you are going to have a bad day you will think*** thats what's going to happen!!!

  7. No, they're just hypothesis written according to what is happening in the cosmos.

  8. I think they generalize certain traits but definitely not all of them fit the person to a T.  It all really depends on your natal chart.  If you could get that done then that would most likely explain a lot about your personality, not just your sun sign.

  9. Nah they're pure fiction

    Just a gimmick left over from a less educated period of mankind

  10. I believe they are pure fiction. Horoscopes are so vague you can usually relate to them.

  11. astrology is just a meaning of what should happen in the nature of each person. Many times there are anonomous factors that change around a persons life or character which interfiers with astrology.

  12. More often than not, it seems to be untrue.

    I read them once in a while, just to see if something will lift my spirits, but alas, it never seems to be so. C'est la vie.

    I think someone gets paid too much to sit at some desk and smoke some pot and think, "Today, Scorpios will be doomed, and the Taurus will get a million dollars."

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