
Are white girls attracted to mixed/black guys?

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I am attracted to light skin black girls and white girls mainly so i was just wondering.

I'm mixed with black and white. :D




  1. They are attracted to any race that suits them better.

  2. some are and some aren't.....duh!

  3. I'm not attracted to blacks.  

  4. I'm so pasty white that most everyone looks black compared to me.  This is just an exaggeration to illustrate a point.  I don't care about the skin tone of the men I date.  I've only ever dated one black man in my life, but it's not because I'm not attracted.  I just live in one of the whitest states in the country.  For a state that talks a big talk about diversity, we have the least.  There's not much in the way of opportunity to date men who aren't Caucasian.

  5. NO sweet heart you haven't to wonder at all , its really clearly and the answe is easy : attract your self to good one nice body don't care about the color , for me am gonna love an orange girl if she was beutiful and good heart hehe don't  mind about the color it's really funny man

           hope i helped dear



  6. Well I can't answer for all the girls but I am attracted to good looking guys, regardless of colour.

  7. well most of the white girls in england walk around with mixed race babies

  8. it depends on the girl.

    some do some dont

  9. well some girls do

    it just depends on the girl i guess

    i would rather stick with my own color but not all girls are like that

  10. Okay well im from Louisiana which is like the south and particulary in the south there are more girls that are attracted to tan or black guys more than anyplace else. Trust me dude. hope this helps.

  11. alot of girls are lol i know tons of white girls going out with mixed black guys

  12. not in tenessee they dont

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